As soon as I landed, my aunt was very happy to see me.
"Aunt Aggie!"
She gave me a tight hug.
"I haven't seen you since you were smaller! Delilah, look at her, my grandniece Hyacinth is here!"
"Well well well! Aggie told me so much about you."
"I was about to pay you a visit myself. You are just the young witch I was looking for."
"What is it?"
"A little birdie told me about your reputation at my sister's school. I was wondering if you could join us."
"Join you? For what? Depending on what it is."
"Taking over that school!" Agatha cackled.
"Are you serious?"
"Oh yes."
Agatha took my hand and we went further in a bit. I saw more bad witches and a huge cauldron, I mean huge.
"Witches, I would like to meet the famous Hyacinth, my grandniece."
They were giggling.
"I just told her about our plan. My sister takes the fun out of being bad...beat on it Delilah!"
The song was catchy, I gotta admit. I sang an danced along backup with the other witches.
"So, what do you thing sweetheart?"
I thought, it was an easy no, I didn't want them to take over my grandma's school.
"No! I won't!"
"May I ask why not?"
"Because I'm not a bad witch, I'm a good witch, yes I'm a rebel but I'm a good witch!"
"Well, be that way Hyacinth! If you tell anybody, I will turn you to a snail and eat you!"
"If you take over Grandma's school, I will turn you into a moth and squish you!"
I walked away and flew back. All the girls were on the ground watching me. Miss. Spellbinder had a look of worry and disappointment on her face. I landed, Mildred gave me a hug.
"Hyacinth, we were so worried! Miss. Spellbinder was about to report you missing."
"I'm here aren't I."
I chuckled and walked to Miss. Spellbinder.
"Hyacinth Cackle, you went too far away after I told you not to."
"I am truly sorry Miss. Spellbinder, it will never happen again."
"Well good. Class dismissed. Time for the scare competition."
Yes! Finally, something I was looking forward to the most!
Miss. Cackle's Grandchild (A Worst Witch Fanfic)
FanfictionMiss. Cackle's granddaughter Hyacinth goes to Miss. Cackle's International Academy for Witches.