Chapter One: New Kid

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"WAKE UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" My step-father yells from the living room.

I groan and drag myself to the restroom, trying to rub the sleep from my eyes.

I peel my shirt off, tracing the new and faded scars all over my upper body, still throbbing with pain from yesterday.

I reach the bandages that were wrapped on my chest and slowly start removing them, only to see a large and deep gash stretching itself from my right collarbone to underneath my chest on the left.

I sigh and splash my face with water, hoping that I'll feel more awake, but I still feel tired, I always do.

I stare at the mirror, scanning the boy in front of me, the boy with  unaturally dark eye bags, pale skin, with even paler scars, with reds cuts and the ugly purple bruises popping with color on his skin, his lifeless eyes stare back at me, showing no sign of the always happy and cheerful boy that took his place years ago.

I guess he died along with my mother.

Fuck, I have to go to school, and Ka-Bakugo will be there....although it's better than home......and he'll be mad if I skip school.......

I take a clean bandage and start wrapping it around my chest.

I stare at a razor in the still-open drawer, debating whether to take it or not. I quickly grab it and look carefully at the bloodied metal, before pressing it to my wrist, dragging it across my skin, leaving red drops in it's trail, wincing as the blade cuts into my skin.

'you deserve this'

'you're worthless'










I snap out of my trance and notice dozens of deep bleeding cuts cover my arms.

"Shit, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"

I quickly wrap my arms with new bandages and look around to more clean ones, seeing that it's already bleeding through the bandages.

"Fuck this" I mumble in anger and slip on a black long-sleeved shirt underneath my uniform. For the first time, I'm thankful for this black uniform. (He's still in middle school)

I quickly run out the house before I have to see him.

Sure I have to miss breakfast but I don't really care, I'm too fat anyway.

I run into the school grounds as soon as the gates close.

'I'm just gonna be a few seconds late, I hope the teacher won't get on my back for this......bullshit she's gonna kill me even if I'm one second late...everyone hates me, even the teachers.'

I round the corner and crash into a wall and fall on my back.

 "I don't remember there being a wall here...." I mumble rubbing my head, looking up at the 'wall.'

It turns out that the wall is a boy, taller than me with half-red and half-white hair, with two different eyes, grey and blue.

'fuck, he's hot'

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