Chapter 3

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Faggot... the word played over and over in Tony's mind, tears slipped down his cheeks. He clutched at the duvet he was curled up in, praying his father didn't come upstairs and beat him. He knew his father hated the fact he was gay, it was the whole reason he didn't come out. The 'Great Howard Stark' could never have a homosexual son, noooo, because that would be scandalous.


Tony woke up late again, he house was empty again when he stumbled downstairs. His parents must've already left for Russia. Tony came to school late again, he made his way to science, vaguely excited to see Steve, the man had become one of the best things in his day.

Tony made it to his science class with out Mr. Pym noticing him. Surprising himself and most of his class, including Steve.
"Are you going to the game?" It took Steve awhile to work up the courage to ask Tony. Stupid.
"Yeah, my friends are playing and cheerleading. So I'm going to support them." Tony shrugged, "Are you playing." He asked.

"Yeah, Captain of the team..." Steve stared at his thumbs.
"Quiet in the back." Mr. Pym said, "Oh Stark, how nice of you to join us. Late. Again. Please see me after class. Again." Tony and Steve couldn't help but giggle at how red the teacher's face got while being mad at Tony (Which happened a lot). Class ended and Steve and Tony made their way to art.


The bell rang and kids filled out of all the class rooms, Steve was walking along side Tony when Pepper joined them and dragged him away again. So he just walked alone to the cafeteria to be greeted by Bucky, Carol, Clint, Pietro and Thor.

"Where's Sam?" Steve asked pulling an apple out of his bag.
"In line, getting food." Bucky said starting to pour ketchup when Sam came running up to them and ripped the bottle from his clutches.
"I'm not taking you to A & E because you got severe food poisoning from eating a bowl of Ketchup!" Sam said putting the bottle on another table while Bucky grumbled.

Natasha joined them all, walking with Pepper as Tony tagged behind them.
"Hey guys." She chirped, Clint and Steve looked up and smiled at her arrival, Bucky was scowling, gazing longingly at the ketchup on the other table.

Nat sat down next to Clint, Pepper sat by Nat and Tony rested himself next to Steve much to Nat's delight. Natasha Romanoff was a good friend of Pepper Potts, but Tony definitely wasn't truly interested in Pepper and more interested in the Captain of the football team.

The third period bell rang and Nat rose from her seat.
"So I'll see you all tonight?" Nat more command then questioned, she received a mixture of yeahs and sures to awnser her question. Almost all of the school would be going since it was the first game of the season, most people would think you'd have to be crazy to miss it.


Tony walked onto the bleachers with Bruce, Stephen, Loki and Pietro behind him, they sat at the top as both teams began warming up.
"Why do we even watch these things?" Loki complained.
"Why are we even friends with you?" Tony snarked back.
"I'm hungry." Loki complained.

"Okay for once I agree with Loki, I'm famished." Pietro kicked his feet up on the seats beneath them and Bruce looked as his action with objection. Stephen moved so he sat cross legged and Stark rolled his eyes, looks like he was the one having to go get more food.

"I'm not going anywhere now." Tony said, focusing his gaze on Steve. He really had to snap out of it, his father would never let him date another man and he and Pepper were happy enough. Right?


It was now that Tony realised how long these games were, Loki was staring at Thor from beside him, Bruce was doing some homework of some sort and Pietro was sleeping. Strange was the only one who had been smart enough to buy food and he wasn't letting anyone have any of it.

Tony sighed, "Alright hand me your money." Bruce and Pietro handed over 20 dollar bills.
"Whoops it appears I have none." Loki smiled sweetly. "And I'm so hungry."
"Alright, I'll spear you some." Tony rolled his eyes at the way Loki begged.


Tony began the trek down to the food stands during halftime, it had only been 30 minutes but the game seemed to drag on forever. He repeated the orders everyone had given him as he finally reached the bottom of the stands and walked behind it. Tony planed to take the 'short cut' around the back of the bleachers, but manly he just went this way to avoid getting hit in the face with a football like last time.

Harold or Happy Hogan, one of the football players on the rival team, friends with Obadiah Stane. He had Pepper pined against a wall, her legs around his waist as they kissed passionately. Trying not to cry or make a sound he ran to Mustang, the one his father told him to never drive again. Starting the car, Tony Stark drove.


Half an hour had passed and the game was over. Sam and Bucky looked like they were in the middle of a post-football make out session, Clint and Steve had run up the bleachers to were they all sat.
"Where's Tony?" Steve asked looking around for him. "He said he would watch us."

"He was..." Loki said.
"What did you do?!" Clint accused,
"I see how it is we blame the bad guy, huh." Loki huffed, "He went to get food after he all forgot to get some before the game."

"Yeah and he hasn't been back since halftime." Pietro added.
"He's been gone for 30 minutes." Bruce began tapping his foot in anxiety. Clint gazed over the field concerned. He spotted one of the opposing teammates with his hand slipping into Pepper's skirt as they walked to his car. "Oh no..."

"What?" Bruce asked beginning to panic, his foot tapping faster.
"Look." Clint finger gun aimed at them.
"Isn't that Tony's girlfriend?" Pietro asked his accent thick.
"Yeah, Bruce call Tony. Make sure he's okay." Steve said gesturing to the phone in Bruce's hand.

"He's not picking up." Bruce turned back to the Pepper and Happy now kissing against his car..
"He's probably at home, hopefully." Clint thought aloud.
"We can take my van." The Steve gestured to the parking lot.
"We can't all fit in it." Clint stated, "Me and Nat drove in a six seater, let's take that as well."


"Hey love birds we gotta go." Steve said practically dragging Bucky off Sam and towards the parking lot. Strange, Banner, Barton, Romanoff, Pietro, Wanda, Vision, Loki, Thor, Carol, T'Challa, Wilson, Barnes and Rogers pilled into the two cars and followed Bruce's directions to Tony's house.


Stephen tried the door bell once they got their.
"Nothing." He said when he got no response.
"No shit sherlock." Clint rolled his eyes.
"Stuff this I'm going in." Steve opened kicked open the door. "If they're rich they can pay for that." The mansion was massive, it had to be a good four stories. The place seemed empty apart from a sudden clicking noise in front of them, an elderly man held a shotgun to Steve's chest.
"Don't move." He said.

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