Chapter 1

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The new semester had been going on for more than a month now. Namjoon has ben more fussy and busy lately because he's going to graduate by the end of May and Bighit has yet to give him a response about the job offer. Besides spending a lot more time in his room, he also hasn't been very responsive to you. At night, usually he would come into your room to say goodnight, but recently, he's been going to sleep later and later. At school, you would rarely see him because he's working on so much final projects. As a personal project, he has to write and produce a mixtape. You can't complain much but you just miss him.

"Y/N," one of you professor called out after class. "Can I talk to you?"

"Of course, Professor Lee. What's going on?"

The professor adjusted her glasses and cast a smile at you. She reminded you Yuqi's mother with her grace and confident with a warm heart. A figure that you never had in your life as a permanent part. "As you know, our education department works closely with the elementary school down the street. They are looking for a new teaching assistant and I recommended you for the part."

"Oh my gosh, are you serious?" you asked, your voice shaking.

"Yes. Now I realized I shouldn't have taken the liberty to do this but-"

"No, no. Thank you for doing this for me. I would love to take this position, if it's still available, of course." you exclaimed. Professor Lee laughed gently and took out a folder from her drawer.

"Here's everything you'll need to know before starting. You start next Monday, don't be late."

"But Monday is your class."

Professor Lee shook her head lightly and giggled. "Don't tell the other students." she said, winking to you. You bowed again out of gratitude and walked towards the door. "Don't make me look bad, okay?"

"Of course, professor!" You skipped outside, hoping to run into Namjoon on his usual walk to his last music class. You have told him you interest in getting a job at a school, just to see the environment and he has expressed a lot of support. But the courtyard was empty, with the exception of a few pigeons and some older students gossiping by the bike racks. You sighed. On colder days, you would head to the dance building to see Jimin and Hoseok. There were rare times when they would let you join the dance because you would most likely a fool of yourself in front of the other students. On sunny days, like today, you would wait for him outside the rose building while you sat in the shade and read. So you wandered to the usual tree and flopped down and leaned your back against the trunk.

Your fingers flipped through page after page after what seemed like hours. Normally, he would only take half an hour. But you glanced at the clock, it was almost 5 and the sun had began to gone down. Surely he would be done soon. With that in mind, you decided to walk to the car and wait for him. Your pace became slower as the realization came to you. His car is no longer here. It was not in the spot where he dropped the two of you off this morning, nor was it anywhere in the parking lot. Naturally you took out your phone to call him, it sent you straight to voicemail. The apartment was a 15 minute drive from the house and you decided to just hail a cab.
"Y/N, what are you still doing here?" It was Jimin, Hoseok and Lisa following behind him. "It's later than usual for you to be here still."

"Oh, well.." you didn't exactly know what to tell the boys. It would be a lie to say Namjoon ditched you without hearing from him first. "Namjoon had an emergency so he left first. I was gonna grab a cab." you explained.

"Nonsense, we'll drop you off." Hoseok said, Jimin nodded.

"Oh, no. I don't want to be a bother."

"Shut up, of course you're not. We were going to drop Lisa off anyways and her place is in the same direction as yours." Jimin explained. Lisa gave out a small shy smile and dug her shoes into the ground.

"Please come with, I do not want to be a third wheel." Hoseok begged, leaning in closer to that Jimin wouldn't hear him. It didn't work as Jimin slapped his arm. The four of you got in Hoseok's car. You sat in the passenger seat to let the couple enjoy themselves in the back. But it was mostly an argument about who has the longer pinky. You told them about the job and they all congratulated you. You told them thanks before heading you to your shared apartment.

The shower was running so Namjoon was definitely home, unless a stranger broke in to clean themselves off. You sat on the couch, waiting for him to get out. Sure enough, after 10 minutes, he came out, the towel around his waist and hair dripping the floor. He seemed awfully surprised to see you home.

"Hey, you're home." he said casually.

"Did you forget anything at school?" you asked. He returned from the kitchen with a water bottle and took a sip while shaking his head. "Really? Nothing, noONE?" you asked again, emphasizing that last part.

"Oh, sorry, I don't know where my head was. I won't forget you next time." he answered before going back to his room. There was a pit in your stomach but you told yourself that he had good intentions. You thought about following him and talk about it some more, but you felt utterly exhausted and called take out for dinner. He took it to his room, as expected and you ate dinner by yourself while watching some TV. You knew there will be moments like this in your life together, but maybe it came too soon.

He came out to throw the trash away, but before going back into his room, he stopped by the couch where you were. "I love you, thank you for the take out." he said before kissing your cheek. A lot of that stress was melted away with this gesture.

"Oh, I got the job at the elementary school." you announced.

"I knew you would. Congratulations, love." he said with a big smile. But it seemed very forced and you could tell he was tired. It did discouraged you a little.

"I'm going to need to borrow your car on Mondays though." you said, feeling a little nervous since you haven't driven his car before. But since he has class and you'll be done before him, it only makes sense. He thought about it before answering.

"No, I can drop you off."

"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it's just time to work on the project and I can come back after dropping you off."

"Okay. But I can't be late, okay?"

"And you won't be." he promised. You held the promise close to your heart, knowing that there was no way he would break it. 

Hello beautiful readers, in an attempt to get to know you all better, tell me where you're from.

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