Chapter 4

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5 years later

The invitation arrived in the mailbox. You smiled as your finger traced the pink and white invitation. The names were etched in gold. Kim Seokjin and Kim Jisoo. They're finally getting married after 4 years of being together. You thought back to how they met, you had introduced them of course, and Seokjin fell for her immediately.

You headed back to the apartment, someone was waiting for you by the kitchen table, with breakfast all ready. When he saw you, he rushed to the chair to pull it out for you. "Here you go, darling."

"Thank you Woo Joo." you said. Woo Joo finished washing the dishes and joined you for breakfast.

"What's that?" he asked, eyeing the envelop.

"It's an invite to Seokjin oppa and Jisoo's wedding." you answered, taking a bit of the pancake. It tasted almost as good as Yuqi's.

"Do you want to go?" Woo Joo asked.

"I'm not sure. I think I should, I haven't seen all of them in such a long time."

"You don't have to go, you know?" Woo Joo placed a hand on yours. He knows, he knows everything about your past.

"No, I should go. It's a big day and I want to be there for them. Plus, I'll have you and Yuqi with me."

"Alright. I'll mark the date then." he chuckled. You watched as he does so. It's been two years since you and Woo Joo started dating. You met him after graduation. He also graduated at the same time as you and got a job at GQ headquarter, Yuqi introduced him to you, she works full time as an engineer at her formal internship now. She said it was time you move on. You laughed it off but it was true.

After you ended things with Namjoon, you naturally moved back in with Yuqi. She was happy to have you back but was upset with Namjoon. You told her that this shouldn't affect her relationship with Taehyung, and it hasn't. It did affect your relationship with the boys. You stopped hanging out with them altogether. Sometimes they would text you or call you, but you don't see them.

Namjoon moved to the States after getting a job at BigHit as part of their international branch. He hasn't been back since but the boys always keep tabs on him. After that day, you just closed off yourself, even more than before. You went to school and to work and didn't care about anything else, especially love. It did feel lonely and tiresome, seeing all the other couples. When Yuqi introduced you to Woo Joo, you didn't think it would work. You went on a few dates, he was interesting, but for the most part, safe. So you agreed to be his girlfriend.

Everything was slow, to make sure you really got to know each other. You moved in with him only a few months ago. So far so good. This will be how you'll live your life from now on, playing it safe, one day at a time. No thanks to him. But Woo Joo has been good, quiet, kept to himself, but he's nurturing, sometimes protective. He has never raised his voice at you before, only when you overwork yourself. He has a temper, but so does everyone. He promised to never lash out on you though.

"Y/N," Woo Joo spoke up, "are you okay?"

"Um, yeah." you answered. "Thank you for breakfast. I gotta get to work." You got up and kissed his cheeks. Then you went to get changed. You work at the same elementary from grad school, but this time as a full time teacher and designated for children with tough backgrounds. Jisoo is actually the assistant principal now, it's a good fit for her. You saw her right as you entered the school.

"Good morning, Y/N." she said. Her hair was to her shoulder now but she looks just as beautiful as ever.

"Good morning, unnie. By the way, I got the invitation. You know, you could had just given it to me in person." you teased.

"I know. But Seokjin oppa wanted to be extra." she chuckled. "They miss you, by the way." she added. You sighed. They all moved out from the shared apartment and got their own places, but they gather up regularly to catch up. They'll be brothers for life.

"I know. I miss them too. I'll see them at the wedding." you suggest.

"That's a month away. Y/N, I know it's weird but it's been 5 years, don't you think you should give yourself a break?"

"I don't know unnie, I'd rather just forget that part of my life. But you're right, it's been too long."

"We're having dinner tonight with the boys. Yuqi has work and won't be able to make it and Lisa is visiting family. Bring Woo Joo over. Hope to see your there." she smiled. Then her eyes landed on your neck. "Is that a bruise?" she asked.

Instinctively, you covered it with your hand, but it was too late, she already saw it. "Oh, yeah. One of the students accidentally threw and apple at me." you laughed. Jisoo nodded, not quite believing you. Then she walked back to her office as you went to your classroom. The day went by like any other.

When you told Woo Joo about dinner, he seemed happy with it. He hasn't had a proper introduction to the boys before, so he's a little nervous.

"They won't bite." you promised. The dinner was at Seokjin and Jisoo's house. Before the door was opened, you could hear them cheering from the inside. Woo Joo held your hand tighter as he felt your heartbeat increasing. You want to see the boys, and they'll be understanding of why you have been so distant. But you'll make it up to them one day.

As the door swung open, the smile on your face faded. It wasn't Seokjin who opened the door, or even Jisoo. It was the same damn dimple, the samn dark hair and tan skin, the same monolid eyes, the same person who broke your heart all those years ago. He had appeared before you once again. 

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