Chapter 9

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TW: Domestic Violence

As promised, Woo Joo took you to work and drove you home everyday. Everything felt great, normal. Other teachers were envious that you had such a handsome and caring boyfriend. Some young girls from your class called him your prince charming. You just smiled and nodded. As long as Woo Joo is happy, you're happy. Jisoo, on the other hand, grew increasingly more anxious. Namjoon had texted her what happened the day of the encounter and she also noticed Woo Joo dropping and picking you up. It was an authoritative move instead of a romantic gesture.

Before you got to your class today, she yanked you into her office. Her face was serious, which was unusual, but she can be very mature if need be. "What's going on, unnie?" you asked.

"Y/N, I cannot take it anymore. I know something is up with you and Woo Joo."

"What do you mean?"

"Is he abusing you?"

Abuse. The word you only associated with your father. What Woo Joo does is different, you tell yourself. "Unnie, of course not. Don't be ridiculous." you laughed.

"Then what about the bruises?"

"I told you, I fell."

"Y/N, I am not one of your students. I know better and you know better than to lie to me." her voice raised, she sounded like a mother. But what do you know, even your mother left you.

"Unnie, I'm not lying." you pleaded.

"Then raise your sleeves up." Jisoo demanded. You gulped and shook your head. You gathered your things and headed for the door.

"I'll see you at your wedding, unnie." Then you closed the door. Today, the your students were going to perform the play they wrote and directed themselves. The assignment was pretty relaxed. You wanted to give them a break after the month of testing. The first group consisted of three girls. They did a rendition of the three musketeers crossed with Robin Hood where they dressed up in masks and robbed the rich. The second group did Cinderella, except it was a gender swap. You applauded them for being so progressive.

Finally, the last group did a play about abuse. It struck you hard. The protagonist was stuck with the monster who she thought loved her, but he just brainwashed her instead. She refused help from the prince and it wasn't until the monster revealed his true self that she realized it was never love. By the end, you were crying. And the students hugged you. Maybe they already knew what you didn't. Either way, you're starting to see it now.

Woo Joo came right at 4 to pick you up. You gave him a small smile when you got into the car and he kissed your cheek. It felt cold and disgusting, but you didn't say anything. He held your hand tighter as you both got inside the complex. At the same time, Namjoon had just gotten back from a run. Woo Joo pulled your behind him as he approached.

"Hi, Y/N." Namjoon said. Woo Joo squeezed your hand so you wouldn't answer him. Namjoon narrowed his eyes on the sight.

"Dear, why don't you head on inside first. I would like to have a chat with Namjoon." Woo Joo said, which surprised both you and Namjoon. You casted a nervous glance at Namjoon." Go." Woo Joo said again and you knew he was getting annoyed. So you bowed to Namjoon and went on inside. After your figure had completely disappeared, Woo Joo turned back to Namjoon. "I'll make it quick. Stay away from my girlfriend."

"Are you sure she's your girlfriend? Because it looks like she's your punching bag." Namjoon fired back.

"At least I give her love and attention. Something you never did. Remember, you were the one that let her go first. I will never do that."

"Doesn't mean she won't leave you instead."

Woo Joo laughed loudly. "Do you think she will leave me? The only person she has left? Even if she does, she will never go back to you."

"I swear, once I get her back, I will kill you." Namjoon warned.

"Oh, I'm so scared. I can't wait for that day. See you at the wedding." Woo Joo said before leaving. Namjoon's blood was boiling. He wanted to kill Woo Joo right then and there, but he wanted to just hold you tight in that moment. He pulled out his phone and decided to text you, he got your number from Jungkook.

NJ: Y/N, it's Namjoon. I know I have no right to ask you to come back but you have to leave Woo Joo. He's not right for you.

After sending, it took a few minutes for you to answer. He figured you had to hide the message from Woo Joo.

Y/N: You're right. You don't have that right. He's the one that will take care of me from now on. Leave me alone, please.

NJ: Fine. But meet me on the rooftop at midnight. After that, I'll leave you alone.

You didn't reply, you toss the phone on the couch, but of course you deleted the message first, fearing that Woo Joo would go through it. There would be so much risks in going out to meet him. Woo Joo would kill you if he finds out. But then again, he was a heavy sleeper and once he's asleep, he's completely knocked out. You didn't know why you wanted to go meet Namjoon, nothing good would come from it. You told yourself that it wasn't because you miss him, it was because you wanted him to leave you alone.

So that's why you're here now, on the rooftop, at midnight. Namjoon was already waiting, the moon light shining brightly down on him. He looked beautiful. You gasped silently, you couldn't believe you still thought it was beautiful. But maybe that's something you'll never be able to forget.

When he turned around, you could have fainted. He looked young like he did five years ago. His chocolate eyes were so gentle as they watched you step closer to him. For a moment, you forgot everything and your body moved back to 5 years ago, before everything went so wrong. There was no Woo Joo, no bruises, just a lot of love. Naturally, you reached out for him, but stopped yourself. There was a glimpse of hope in his eyes.

"I'm happy you're here." he said quietly. The whole world was probably asleep now, and you two were the only people alive.

"You didn't give me a choice." you said. He said nothing and took a step closer. Then, as if it was his dying wish, he enveloped you in his arms. One hand was on your back as the other was caressing your head. He breathed in your shampoo scent. You froze while thinking about how you should really push him away. But this was a feeling you have been deprived of for so long, warmth, love. So you hugged him back.

"I miss you so damn much Y/N." Namjoon said, and he sniffled. "I can't begin to tell you how fucken sorry I am for hurting you. The night I let you go was the worse night of my life. I wish with everything in my power to get you back. Please, please come back to me."

"I-I've missed you too. But I can't." you answered.

He pulled back, your heart broke seeing his crying face. He deserves to smile. "Why not? Woo Joo does not love you. I do. I can't bare to see you hurt by him, physically and mentally. He's killing you."

"I know. But at least he won't leave me."

"What are you talking about?"

"He can hit me a million times but at the end of the day, he'll stay by my side, and I need that. I need a constant."

"Y/N, that's the most fucked up way to think about this." Namjoon yelled.

"What do you want from me, Namjoon? This is because of you. I had loved you more than I loved myself and you tossed me aside so easily. I really thought we had a future."

"We can still have a future, I promise you!"

"But you can't promise me that. What happens when your job demands more of you? Are you going to toss me aside then too, just like before? There will always be that possibility and I can't handle knowing that."

"I swear on my life I won't do that. I'll work less, I'll write it in my contract. I'll quit my job. Just please, come back to me. I need you."

"I'm sorry." With tears in your eyes, you made your way back to your apartment, and back to bed with your monster. 

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