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Headaches make you head hurt...but my love for you makes my heart hurt.

When we went home I just changed and went to sleep....

~the next day~

When I woke up I made breakfast.

When I woke up I made breakfast

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Then the phone started ringing

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Then the phone started ringing.

I go to answer it.


Jane walks into the room.

"Can I speak to Eleven..?"


I give her the phone.

"Oh hey."

I couldn't hear what they were saying..

"W-what..?" Jane said

Tears started running down janes cheeks.

~a few minutes later~

Jane hung up the phone and cried on the couch.

"J-Jane what happened?"

"H-He broke up with me..."


"Well we can watch movies and eat ice cream!"

"I-Ice cream..?"

"Yeah! I'll go get some!"
'Of every flavor!!'

"O-oh okay..?"

"I'll be back"

~what seems like 10 hours later~

I walk into the door with over 25 different flavors of ice cream.
I put all of them in the freezer and went to the couch where Jane was sitting.

Her face was a mixture of shocked (because of all the ice cream) and sad (because of the break up).

Okay let's watch Y/F/M (your favorite movie) and the ice cream be should eat first is the best one!!
Y/F/I/C (your favorite ice cream).

I go get the ice cream then start the movie.

~after like five movies and eating fifteen tubs of ice cream~

"I'm TiReD...hehshawjsbdbsb (no your not drunk or high)"


We both pass out (not literally)

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