I can't think of anything today sorry .-.

~one week later~

I wake up and get dressed:

I wake up and get dressed:

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I'm not expecting I'm doing anything today so I just eat breakfast with Jane and Hopper:

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I'm not expecting I'm doing anything today so I just eat breakfast with Jane and Hopper:

I'm not expecting I'm doing anything today so I just eat breakfast with Jane and Hopper:

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(Pretend the pancakes are eggos)

Then me an Jane leave for school. I'm sure that Will and his friends already found out about the bracelets.

On our way to school we notice that we are LATE we rush inside the school. Once we are inside we notice...WE AREN'T ACTUALLY STUDENTS HERE!

~after school~

Before we walk out the classroom door Mr.Clarke asks us to stay after school for this group or club. Which we clearly agreed to. We get there first so we sit down waiting.

About three minutes later Mr.Clarke and the rest of the club comes in. Then I see THEM.

I whisper to El "Look!"

Once she looks she's almost as surprised as me

They look at us and their eyes almost pop out of their sockets.

Mr.Clarke (lets call him Mr.C for now) comes in the room and says that we are here to observe and stuff.

After staying me and Jane go home but once we get there we see Hopper packing our stuff and putting it into his car.

I run to him with Jane trailing behind me trying to catch up.
"Hopper!" I say waving it him shocked and worried.

He waves us over. Once I get to him I immediately ask him "Where are we going..?"

Where do you think they are going..? THE NEXT PART IVE PLANNED AND HAVE BEEN WAITING/WANTING TO ADD SINCE I STARTED SOOOOOOO YAH! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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