Chapter 13 "Confession"

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Mina felt then that Chaeyoung was kind of cold or avoiding her, it could be because she've slept when she heard the words 'I like you' from her. Mina was sulking all day, she knew something was wrong. }

On the other side of the scene, Chaeyoung was looking at a paper, reading something repeatedly.

"Practice over." One of her senior said, clapping, as a sign of a director's cut.

Everyone bowed and said thank you to each other.

"You're really close with Mina?" Bambam asked Chaeyoung as he was beside him. He used the oppurtunity to know things about Mina, obviously.

"Kind of." Chaeyoung smiled and got her phone out of her duffel bag. "I'll be going now." Chaeyoung told Bambam.

'Psh.' Chaeyoung hissed as she ran away from him, she kinds of hate it when he always ask about Mina, even when he calls out her name.

Chaeyoung scrolled on her past messages. She felt kind of guilty looking at her phone, she was intentionally being cold to Mina.

'Maybe she was just really sleepy' She thought of and sat on a huge stone beside a tree; just outside of the 'Charlie' building

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'Maybe she was just really sleepy' She thought of and sat on a huge stone beside a tree; just outside of the 'Charlie' building.

'or she didn't heard it.' she continously tries to defend.

Chaeyoung felt her forehead ached thinking about it, it's stressing her out. She then decided to confront her, she really needs to get it out from her head.

Chaeyoung smiled, she felt like she got the wrath of the revenge, because of her coldness towards Mina

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Chaeyoung smiled, she felt like she got the wrath of the revenge, because of her coldness towards Mina.

Chaeyoung smiled, she felt like she got the wrath of the revenge, because of her coldness towards Mina

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She felt another tugged on her heart, Mina's messages that keeps on popping makes her happy.

Chaeyoung stood up and have gone directly to the exit, going a block away to the cafe.

Chaeyoung arrived and looked around, Mina wasn't still there, she decided to take the seat at the same spot as before, at the uppder deck of the cafe.

"Hey." Chaeyoung smiled as she saw Mina climbing up on the stairs wearing the shoes that she've drew on.

"Sorry I took a while." Mina said as she sat across Chaeyoung. "I heard you're practicing on something?" Mina quickly asked, like she was keeping that question for a long time.

"They have requested for another peformance from the rappers. It would be tomorrow." Chaeyoung was not intending to hide it from her. "But it's a secret." She then made it special.

"Did you get enough sleep?" Mina threw another question.

"I'm not really sleepy." Chaeyoung scrunched her nose and finally gazed at Mina, "Unlike you." She smiled trying to tease her.

"Sorry." Mina smiled in response, she knew what was Chaeyoung's referring to, "Have you eaten?" Mina asked another question from her set.

Chaeyoung drew another smile on her face, "I feel like I'm being interrogated."

"We should order." Mina said trying to repel the serious mood, "I'll order for you." Mina stood up but Chaeyoung held on to her wrist.

"I want to ask something." Chaeyoung said and was drown to Mina's eyes.

Mina gulped on Chaeyoung's serious tone and her face seems like she's going to reveal a thing or two, "Y-yeah?" Mina looked at her wrist, Chaeyoung then loosen her grip and held her nape.

"H-have you heard what I've said last night?" Chaeyoung looked at the table and tried to scratch some of the wood on it, it was awkward but she wants to let go of it.

While Mina held back for a second, breathing in on the situation. "Y-yeah, if that's what you mean." Mina assumed what Chaeyoung was asking, "I'll order, first."

Chaeyoung then breathe out a heavy sigh, she held her chest as the latter left her. She was never been that nervous as before, she felt her heart were going to explode but she was left puzzled, 'Did she just reject me?' she looked at the lower level of the cafe, Mina was on the line twisting her heel on the floor looking down on her shoes and her arm holding her arm across.

'Should I just leave?' Chaeyoung said leaning back her head, closing her eyes on her frustration.

'Maybe I should!' Chaeyoung thought of after a while.

Chaeyoung stood up and was ready to leave but Mina was already near the table holding a tray.

"Eh?" Mina uttered.

Chaeyoung bit her lips, and just got the tray out of Mina's hand and got back to there table. Her mission failed but she swiftly recovered from her attempt.

"So." Mina said as she gave out the other plate that she ordered for Chaeyoung.

"Y-you don't really have to reply." Chaeyoung said waving her hand infront of her as a sign of disagreement, "F-forget about it." Chaeyoung stuttered and was desperate.

"You stutter so much, for such a good rapper." Referring on Chaeyoung's performance yesterday, Mina smiled showing her gum. "Here." Mina then gave Chaeyoung a cup of drink infront of her.

Chaeyoung got confused for a moment because the cup was blocking her sight, it was too near on her face. She received the cup on Mina's hand and tried to read a suspicious letters on it.

"Me too." Chaeyoung red the words on her cup.

Chaeyoung's confusion grew more, 'why does it says, me too?' Her forehead wrinkles as she looked at Mina.

"I like you too." Mina said as there eyes met, she smiled and looked down on the table to hide the beet red on her cheeks.

Chaeyoung then looked at the cup again, she can't help but to smile widely just by looking at it.

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