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It's hard. It's hard to not fall for the blonde boy. Patrick seems to feel the same issue. Every time he sees the whiskey eyed boy, he feels something in his heart. A warmth. A safety. A normality as he talks to this boy.

And even when it's time for Pete to go, Patrick chases him out in the hall.

"Can't you stay?" Patrick's fingers find Pete's forearm, gripping lightly.

Pete swallows. "My parents want me home."

"I don't want you to go. I like talking to you."

The sparkle in those beautiful eyes practically hypnotizes him. "Your parents won't like me staying."

"I don't care. Please stay."

Patrick feels something with Pete. It's as if he's known this boy for weeks. Pete can't stand the pout on those lips. And he wanted to do anything to see a beam on his face.

"Let me ask my parents."


"This is a bad idea." Patrick's mother says once Patrick heads into the bathroom.

"The doctor said it may be helpful." Patrick's dad jumps in.

Pete wants to hug him.

"Doesn't change my mind."

"Where do you guys go?" Pete asks.

"We head to a different room, one they've given to us. Because of Patrick's condition, we need to be here constantly. The couch would've killed us after all these years." Patrick's dad answers before his wife. At least he's giving Pete the benefit of the doubt.

"But you can sleep on the couch for the night. There's some blankets and pillows." Patrick's mother smiles slightly.

"Thank you." Pete takes a seat on the couch. He watches as Patrick walks out and says goodnight to his parents.

Once the door is shut, Patrick turns to Pete. "You want to sleep on the couch?"

Pete smiles nervously. "Where else would I sleep?"

Patrick bites his lip, becoming nervous as well. His eyes look to the bed and then to Pete.

Pete swallows thickly. Patrick wants him to sleep on the bed. With him.

"You should have the bed to yourself."


"You only met me today."

"I feel like I've known you for a while."

Pete's heart swells. He remembers Pete. He doesn't remember he remembers, but somewhere in that brain of his, he knows.

"Okay," Pete stands. "I'll sleep on the bed with you."


"Why are you setting it early, babe?" Patrick's dad cocks his head to his wife.

"I'm getting Pete out of the room before Patrick wakes up." She steps away from the alarm clock and walks to the bathroom. "It'll mess him all up." The bathroom door closes.

Almost instantly, Patrick's dad readjusts the clock to the normal time. The doctor has said that Pete staying could be a good thing.


An ear piercing scream shattered Pete's ear drum as he's woken up. He blinks the sleep away and looks around the room. He's in Patrick's room. But Patrick isn't in the bed. Patrick is shouting at Pete, eyes wide with fear.

"Who are you!? Wh-Why are you in my bed?" Patrick shouts.

He has to admit, when he woke up in the tan boys arms, he felt safe and warm. But he didn't know who this was. Or why they were in his bed.

"Patrick," Pete sits up quickly, his shoulder crying out from the sudden movement. "Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you."

"How do you know my name!?"

Doctors and nurses burst in, drawing Patrick's attention. Pete can feel tears spring to his eyes as panic fills his heavy lungs. His heart beats irregularly as he watches Patrick cry in the nurses arms. He must recognize her. She must've been before the memory loss.

"I think it's good if you go." The doctor mumbles. The doctor keeps a hand on Pete's back as he walks the boy from the room.

Pete tries to erase the horrid sounds of Patrick's sobbing from his brain. But it plays in a loop as he walks into his house, greets his parents, eats his breakfast, and takes his shower. Pete isn't sure if Patrick will show later on in the waiting room, but he's sure as hell going to wait in case he does. His parents don't think Patrick will, and if he does, he'll freak at the sight of Pete. But it's worth a shot.

So, like normal, Pete takes his seat in the waiting room. He bites his lip, heart beating along to the ticking of the clock. Everytime he hears a footstep, he looks up and is instantly disappointed to see the blonde isn't there.

Pete turns to his phone, currently fucking with the settings when the couch shifts. Bombshell.

"H-Hello," Patrick shifts.


"That's a big screen." Patrick leans closer, cocking his head. "Did it come out recently?"

Pete shakes his head. His fingers find Candy Crush. "This game is pretty cool. Want to play it?"

There's a hesitation that Pete isn't use to. The bubbly boy would usually slide closer and ask how the game works. But today he bites his lip, shaking his head.

"I want to ask you why you were in my room today."

"You wanted me there." Pete doesn't care to explain further.

"I did? I don't remember asking you." His eyes narrow.

"You did." Pete mumbles. Patrick waits for an explanation that Pete won't give. He can't give.

"I'm sorry for screaming," Patrick bites his fingernail. "I don't know you, a-and I don't remember talking to you."

Pete shakes his head. "It's alright, Patrick."

"You feel familiar."

Pete meets the crystal eyes. "I am,"

"So..." He trails off. "If I hugged you and apologized, that would be okay?"

Pete nods, opening his arms and letting the blonde crawl in. Something washes over Patrick. The smell registers in his brain, and words fly to his head. Warm. Comfort. Safe. And of all the words in his head, one sticks out.

"Pete," Patrick whispers, curling closer to the taller's chest.

Pete's heart stops, and his lungs won't accept air.

Pete never told Patrick his name today.

Not once was it said in Patrick's presence. Patrick fully remembered Pete's name.

He fucking remembered.

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