Chapter 2: Hard Times at the Huskin' Bee

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"well then um. Hi?" I said softly, feeling shy.

"O-oh My g-gosh Greg! I-It talked!" The older boy said.

"It? Excuse me?" I felt offended. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to offend you or anything, but why are you following us?" he said to me.

"Oh. Right. Um. Well, it's usually my mother who does this job, I am a guardian I protect all lost children from the unknown and guide them back home. And to protect them from the Beast." I said promptly. He looked with a conflicted face like he was debating whether or not I was telling the truth or not. Now, that I'm Looking at him close up I can see his features very well. He had a round face with a triangular nose, big brown eyes. 

"So you're supposed to be guarding us? That's fine we can do that on our own." The elder one said. 

"Wirttttttt!!! Let her stayyy pleaseeeeeee!" the Smaller one whined.

"uh, Fine I guess. you can stay" Wirt said "My name's Wirt and the smaller one is my brother-" He got cut off. 

"My Name's Greg! Nice to meet ya!" Greg said sticking out his tiny hand. I giggled 

"nice to meet you too, The name's Y/n" I smiled. He gave toothily grin. Greg seemed nice and kind, while Wirt seems anxious and more reserved. " I guess you guys are going to a town?' I asked.

"Yep, just wondering where that is..." Wirt answered as he continued to walk. 

"Phttttttttt! Pftttttt! Pfttt!" Greg made sounds with his cheeks, "Pfft! Pftt! Pfft!"

"We should've found a town by now. This the way woodsman told us, right?" Wirt Asked.

"PFTTT! Have you been listening to anything I've been saying? For the last couple of minutes, I've been saying PFTT!" Greg said. 

"Well, that Settles it. I'm going to walk ten feet in front of you." Wirt said as he walked forward.

"Well, Greg I guess it's me and you," I  said. I looked at down and he wasn't there. how in the world did I lose him already!

"Hey look, It says right here Pottsfield in one mile. Let's go this way!" Wirt shouted back at us.

"Okay. Let's go this way." Greg turned away and started talking to a bush. 

"huh? -Ugh" Wirt groaned and walked over to us. "Greg stop talking to a bush."

"OkaY." Greg put his hand in the bush untangling something. The something came out. It was a bluebird. 

"Thanks. I owe you a favor. So, um you three lost kids with no purpose in life right?" She said. greg nodded. 
"UM NO." I Intervened "They a purpose In life. Rude much."

"How about I lead you to Adelaide the good woman of the woods." She said clearly ignoring me. "N-No, No. No, No. No, No, No, No, No, No. Magic talking birds leading us to fairy godmothers in the mysterious... I'm going to pottsfield." Wirt stuttered. 

"Yeah, we're going to pottsfield," I said bitterly. 

we continued to walk while Greg talked to the bird. But I continued to walk next to Wirt while they talk. Her name is Beatrice. she talked about ditching me and Wirt, she is a jerk, Note to self.

"Ah, Pottsfield let's rejoin civilization," Wirt said while tugging off a pumpkin he stepped in.  i nodded and we all began to walk into town. It seemed to be deserted by the looks of it.

"Not to be obnoxious, but an Abandoned ghost town doesn't seem like it's gonna be that useful getting you guys home," Beatrice said. Wirt cleared his throat and looked inside a house it was a turkey and he quickly left.

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