Chapter 1

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I pull up to school on my motorcycle kicking the stand down. "Nice ride." Archie says. "Thanks initiation to officially be a Serpent." I tell him and he laughs. "It's my Dad's old bike took a little bit of fixing up but it's good as new." I tell him slapping the handlebars and he laughs. "I can tell." He laughs yet again.

"Hey Archikins!" Veronica walks up to us smiling at us. "Hey Callie." She smiles at me. "Where's Jug?" I ask them. "He's not here yet I don't guess." Archie tells me and I shrug. "Probably just running a few minutes behind." I tell him. With Jason's killer on the loose I get extra antsy when one of my friends are late. Especially when it just so happens to be my brother.

"C.J wait up!" Archie yells catching up to me after first period "Hey Arch." I smile at him. We walk down the hallway talking and laughing a little bit until Cheryl shows up. "That jacket isn't allowed." Cheryl Blossom says from behind me. causing me to turn around.

"Excuse me?" I ask her raising my eyebrow. "The Serpent jacket isn't allowed." She responds. "And who's gonna take it off me?" I ask as she gets closer to me.

"Take it off!" She demands angrily. "Calm down guys!" Archie says trying to diffuse the situation. "She won't do anything, she's all bark and no bite." Cheryl says as I throw a right hook causing everyone to gasp. She composes herself slapping me across the face. I return the favor my shoving her, causing a fight to break out.

"You trashy bitch." She says and pulls my hair and I tackle her to the ground until Archie and Reggie pull us apart. Archie is squeezing me tight enough I can't throw punches anymore. "Let me go." I tell Archie calmly.

"Here!" He says letting me go and he picks up my bag handing me it. I stop as we're walking away and turn back to Cheryl. "Just In case it wasn't clear I do bite so I'd watch it." I say walking away.

"You did what?" Jughead asks me sitting across from me at Pops. "I got into a fight with Cheryl Blossom. Jug, she walks around acting like she owns the school. Someone had to put her in her place." I tell him.

"You realize if you'd gotten caught you could've gotten suspended." He tells me and I shrug. "I'm not scared of her Jug, she got mad at me for wearing a freaking jacket." I tell him and he nods.

"Just control it please nothing good ever comes from you getting extremely angry or upset." He explains and I nod.

"I'm sorry Jug you're right I overreacted now, if you excuse me I have to go to detention." I tell him standing up to leave. "Wait what?" He asks but I'm already out of Pops and on my bike before he gets the chance to follow me.
*Back at School*

I pull up to the school kicking down the stand and taking my helmet off.

I run into the school with my bag running past the music room before I hear a noise stopping and looking back in. "Oh my gosh!" I accidentally say out loud seeing Archie kissing Ms. Grundy. They stop abruptly when they hear my voice.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I say running down the hallway again. I arrive at the detention room, slamming the door shut behind me causing the teacher to wake up.

"Ms. Jones how nice of you to join us." The teacher says and I nod dazed from the recent events.          

"Y-Yeah!" I say sitting on the window ledge in the back of the class spending the next hour thinking about what I saw.

*1 hour Later*
I run out of the detention room trying to get out of the school as quickly as possible.

"Hey." Archie says, he was waiting outside the school doors for me. "Leave me alone Archie." I say and continue walking to my bike. "I just want to go home and forget what I saw." I tell him.

"What did you see?" Archie asks me. "Just you kissing a freaking teacher!" I yell at him and he nods. "She loves me, and I love her." He tells me, what a load of bull. "Are you sure? She is a full grown woman, Archie. If you get caught she can lose her job and go to jail, and your Dad won't be your biggest fan." I snap at him.

"But out of my business, I can make my own decisions." He snaps at me and I sigh. "Fine! Just remember your the one who followed me outside, not the other way around." I say getting on my bike starting it and driving out of the parking lot.

"Ugh!" I yell slamming the door to the Whyte Wyrm closed. "What's wrong Dollface?" Sweet Pea asks me. "What's not?" I ask sitting at the bar and Tall Boy hands me a beer. "Thanks." I say taking a sip.

"Where's Dad?" I ask Tall Boy. "In his trailer, we haven't seen him yet today." He tells me and I nod.

"I better head there real quick, I'll catch up to you guys later." I tell them before paying for my beer running out the Whyte Wyrm.

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