Chapter 12

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"You guys make it very hard to never walk the halls of this place again when you call me up here every thirty minutes." I say sitting down on the couch in the student lounge.

"Callie, I'm going to tell you something and you have to promise me you won't freak out." Jughead tells me and I look at him confused. "Um okay." I say.

"We know who the murderer is." Betty says and I stare at her in shock.

What do you mean you know who the murderer is?" I ask him confused. "I mean I know who the murderer is Callie. It's Clifford Blossom." He tells me.

"Seriously?" I ask him and he nods. "Dad was involved though, he didn't shoot him but he was involved in the clean up." He tells me. "I knew he didn't murder Jason." I tell him and he nods. "Me too." He tells me. "So what's the next move?" I ask him.

"We give it to the police." Archie buts in. "Oh yeah that's genius. Kellers about as smart as Bufford T. Justice." I tell them and they look at me confused. "Smokey and the Bandit? Never caught Bandit? Forget it." I say.

"What the hell makes you think he won't destroy the video?" I ask them. "He's the sheriff  Callie." Veronica says.

"The man's had to know something was up with the Blossoms this whole time. Think about it. The man's purposely avoided the Southside, he hasn't even considered looking past the line everyone's drawn in the middle of this damn town. Who's to say this isn't all a part of Clifford's plan? If he paid off Dad to help with the clean up who's to say he wasn't paying off the Sheriff to turn a blind eye?" I ask them.

"Calliw I think you're getting ahead of yourself, we have no idea what's really going on." Archie tells me and I shush him.

"Callie we need your help." Betty tells me and I scoff. They're serious? After everything that's happened this year and they're still going to ask me for help. It'd be rude of me to say no, right? What if I said yes, how long until the next thing happens. Betty hasn't done anything wrong, neither has Jughead. I couldn't really say no right?

"No." I state plainly and Archie looks at me shocked. I shrug standing up and grabbing my bag walking out of the student lounge. "Callie!" Archie yells following me out. "Callie!" He yells again as I continue walking.

"Calzona Gladys Jones!" He yells my full name and I freeze in my tracks. "Do not call me that!" I turn, snapping at him as he walks over to me. "This isn't a joke, Veronica and I feel bad about what happened. We want to help make this right." He tells me and I scoff.

"Anything to save your ego, right Archibald?" I ask with a smirk. "You know, you can help all you want. You solved the murder, even if you could get Jughead and I's dad freed, how long until something else happens and you point the finger at him again, or Jughead, or me for that matter? You can put on the good guy facade for everyone else is this damn town, even your little girlfriend in there. But don't for a second pretend that you're doing this for Jughead or me. You're doing this to fill some deep rooted need you have to be loved by everyone. I'm not sticking around for it anymore. You play the hero for everyone else all you want Archie, but you'll never be my hero. So for the love of all that is good, just fucking leave me alone!" I snap at him, finally spilling all of my emotions I've been holding in for months.

He stands there dumbfounded as what I said hits him deeply, it hurt me to say it but I can't be around him right now.

I keep the angry look on my face before walking outside of the school allowing myself to breakdown. I wipe the tears from my eyes as more fall and I feel my breath catch in my throat. I lean against the wall for support clutching my chest as my heart is pounding out of my chest. Everything around me starts to turn fuzzy and I squeeze my eyes shut trying to remind myself it's all in my head. I hear someone's voice, it sounds like they're mumbling and I can't make out who it is. It's a guy.

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