Chapter 8

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[Harry's POV]

My eyes squinted as I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was alone? Yeah, alone in my boyfriends bed. I painfully pulled myself out of bed, as I limped zombie like, to the bathroom to wash up. I spit out my mouthwash, examining my teeth in the mirror as I noticed a bruises up and down my neck. "I don't remember hurting my neck..." I thought out loud, shrugging before looking for Louis.

"Louis... louis!" I hollered through the echoing house, Before finding Louis on the balcony, sipping his tea and looking upon the lake. "oh, there you are! good morning Lou!" I said happily before hugging him tightly.

"Hey cupcake!" louis hugged me back, "I... have something to tell you..." louis scratched the back if his head before adding, "I think we should be just friends." I felt my chest get tighter, as it became harder to breathe.

"Just friends? but, I thought you liked me? Was it something that I did?" I asked, hoping there was some way to change how he felt because I didn't want him to break up with me, I really like him! "no, no, I do like you, a lot, but I just think we should stay friends for now." he rubbed my back slowly and softly, "I-I think I'm gonna go." I said, feeling like an idiot as I felt my throat get tight and my vision getting blurry from Forming tears.

"Don't go Harry, please?" louis begged me as I gathered my things and started to walk home. He called my name from his door step as I ran off. I can't believe him! we didn't date very Long and he's already dumping me? am I that annoying to people?

Everybody hates me. I can't take this anymore, and I won't. the only one who I truly trusted was, Gemma and now she's gone! maybe I should just... join her. Everybody here seems like they'd be better off without me!

And how are things going to be with louis now? are we going to just pretend like nothing happened between us, like we never kissed?... like we never dated? is he going to just forget about me?

I could never hate louis, ever, but I feel like he never really liked me, ya know? he was honestly my first real crush, and now it's over... why am I so stupid?! I hate myself and so does everybody else!

I slammed my bedroom for shut behind me as I cried into my pillow. My mascara trickled down my cheeks, into the white pillow case. I stood up and viscously threw my pillow across the room. I slid my arm across the nightstand, making everything in it's path fall to the floor.

I stopped myself as I saw a picture frame upside down. I curiously picked it up, flipping it around to see who was in it.

"G-G-Gemma... I'm sorry!" I clutched the broken picture frame to my chest as I loudly sobbed. I heard light foot steps run down the hallway, "Harry? baby, can I come in?"

"No!" I spat as I heard my bedroom door creek open anyway, "mum, you clearly don't know what no means!" I yelled harshly at her as tears streamed down my face. "Harry, why did you do this?" she asked, not even noticing I was crying on my floor, "is that all you care about is why I destroyed my room? is that it?! how about that I'm depressed and crying on my floor, huh? how 'bout that!?" I was so angered by her, she didn't even care about me!

"I'm leaving." I said as I ran past her. I ran to the door step, as it started pouring heavily. I ran, and ran, and ran until I came to a familiar doorstep. I knocked, lightly, waiting for an answer as I muttered to myself 'please be here'. the door swung open to a gasp, "Harry, what's wrong?" it was Niall. I didn't know who else to go to! now that I have practically no one. I miss louis, and I know that I shouldn't... but I do!


need.someone!" I shouted as I wrapped my arms around him. he rubbed my back, softly and comfortingly. "here, come in and tell me what's up." he grabbed my wrist, pulling me up to his room. he pushed over a pile of clothes he had on his bed to the floor. Niall is not the neatest person I've met, but that's ok, I love Niall no matter what he does.

He sat next to me, looking serious, but still soft, "what's going on Harry?" I lifted my head to him, rubbing my eyes like a sleepy kitten, "w-well, G-Gemma... she... past away, and L-Louis just broke up with me!" I felt my throat get tighter as I tried to hold back me tears. Niall was baffled, as he dared wide eyed at me, "oh my gosh, Harry-Harry I'm so sorry!" he hugged me tightly, not letting me go as he started to tear, but trying to hide it from me so he could stay strong for me.

"And I just didn't know who to go to." I felt Niall's breath go down my back, "what about your mum?" he asked as he retracted from the hug.

"I can't stand to be near her! she's so unthoughtful about other peoples feelings! she kept Gemmas death from me, and when I went on a fit, and practically balling my eyes out on my floor, she noticed I had thrown some things, since that's how I cope with my anger, all she said was, 'why would you do this?!' Like what the heck, do you even care about your son!?"

"You wanna spend the night here?" he asked as he stood from the bed. I started feeling a little better now, knowing someone cared about me, "could I? oh gosh I didn't say hi to your mum, I'm so rude!" I freaked out as I flew towards his bedroom door cause I never go into anyone's house without giving a proper greeting.

He chuckled before following me out to his mum. Niall had asked if I was able to spend the night, as I said my hellos. his mum always approves since she looks at me as her second son, which is also nice.

Niall and I had gotten in our pajamas, I was wearing my strawberry shortcake pj bottoms and my white tank top, my backups that I leave at Niall's, which came in very handy tonight. Niall's mum had brought us some popcorn, chips, and cookies up to Niall's room. we talked a little bit about louis, as Niall told me that it was a shame, since he shipped us and everything.

"Oh, come on, you can't say you don't love the ship name 'larry stylinson'!" He said as he shoved a chocolate chip cookie in his mouth, licking his lips. "wut? Ew, no that's stupid." I glared at him as he just chuckled at me. But it honestly was a really cute ship name, but... not really gonna use it now.

"I'm going to bed, it's almost one forty in the morning." I huffed as I fell back, and dreamt.

[Louis's POV]

I didn't want to break up with Harry, I really didn't, it actually hurt me to break his little heart. I broke up with him for two reasons; one, I thought we should stay friends so that is never lose him, which in theory wasn't very smart of my since I just lost the most important person in my life, and secondly, I still didn't know if I should have believed that girl from mcdonalds, whatever her name was.

But I hurt him, and now I just want him back! I just want to love him again. I tried texting him all day after he left and he didn't answer me. But I don't blame him, if I got tons of texts saying sorry, from my ex, I don't think I'd answer them either. and as much as it kills me to say it, I think I completely blew it with Harry and knowing him, he'll never come around again.

But enough of my stupid feeling about harry, I'm going to bed so I can go to stupid school, and see stupid Harry fucking styles who won't even look at me! I fucking screwed it all up!

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