I - who

7 0 0

trigger warning: scars
oh by the way your favourite colour only depends on things sometimes, like blue and red are the main colours in the story.

Y/n's POV:

My eyelids began to flow up as my alarm clock started to play F/S/N (Favourite song name) by  F/B (favourite band). My mums' voice began to echo around the house, as she began to yell at me. "Y/N Y/L/N, TURN THAT ALARM OFF AND GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED, NOW!!" I sigh, and take a deep breath.

Today.. Today will be a long day. Six words can describe how I am currently feeling.
High School. Senior year. First Day.

I proceeded to take in what my mum had told me, and began to make my way down the creaky stairs, descending from my F/C painted walls that had reflected from my window light. I got to the last stair and took a leap, as my eyes connected to mums. 'Hi, Y/N! Just get dressed and i'll have everything ready!' She says, smiling.

I don't like when she smiles. Not that it's gross or anything, it's just that it shows her scars on her chin. Only when she smiles, though. Something about her skin stretching? I'm not sure. I nod, and I look down on the ground and descend to my room once again.

I open my closet as my eyes go back and forth between every piece of clothing. To be fair, my window was shining really brightly so I couldn't manage to see everything. I picked out a white shirt, a blue flannel jacket, and blue skinny jeans, and of course the um, under garments. You see, yes, there is a uniform at our high school. Apart from the fact that I choose not to wear the uniform.

I mean, not going to brag, but i'm kinda popular. Although I don't like it at all, it's still cool to be cool. it's not normal for most people to be cool.

Most people get their shot at being lonely. I was too, until some others were playing football and I asked to join them. Of course, yes, they accepted. After that they requested if I joined their group,
and thus begun my popularity.

Oh, right! I'm getting ready.
I stuff my H/C (hair colour) hair into a messy ponytail and I slip on some matching blue socks and my dirty blue converses. I tie the white shoelaces together and I ran back down the stairs. This would be great if I had Mark's fitbit. 'Once again, Mum, hi!' I say, exclaiming the introduction.

I'm so glad to be home now, because in exactly 25 minutes i'm off to go to priso- oops, wrong word. School. 'Hi again.' Mum says, and smiles again. 'Anywayys, cookie tin is refilled, and the other things are taken care of too. Have a good day, hun!' I gag at the fact she just called me hun.

Anyway, I grab my black victoria's secret (oo fancy) bag with my dreaded study books, money and things the teachers don't know I use in class, and head out.

~ fifteen minutes later (oo fancy timeskip) ~

As I sit on the porch with my phone, my friends arrive at the house. 'Hey, wassup Y/n?!' Josh exclaims, and we high five. 'Where have you been, Josh?!' I ask, eager to know where the heck my friend has been for the entire holiday. 'Ah, nowhere in particular.. Just Australia!' He says, with a grin. I smile.

He rummages through his bag and grabs a bottle of blue hair dye and a choker. 'I knew you've always wanted to go rebel, so I decided you'd love to look hot as me.' He says, emphasizing the word hot as he strokes his head through his bright red dyed hair. We both end up laughing until we practically choke.

'You know, you're a great friend.' Although he did'nt say anything after that, he looked at me and I could tell his eyes were saying 'Sha da dee da dum.'

'Sha da dee da dum.' I say, as he nods his head. 'Anyway, we should go to school.' He says. 'Orrr the back of the school. It's maths.' I say, looking at our schedules. 'We're both in the same classes this year? Sick!' he says, as I roll my eyes. 'I told you a million times what mine were and you kept saying ours were different!' I growled at my newly annoyed friend. 'Yeah, sorry..' He says, rubbing his back.

~ time skip to when they arrive @ hell ~

Josh and I arrive to the abandoned bathroom in the back of the school. It was'nt all rustic abandoned, just the area of school us cool kids hang about. (yes you shofs the bathrooms are unisex dont think like that).

Me and Josh started laughing as we attempted to apply the hair dye on my head. Let's say my forehead is very blue. In the end, we got it on. 'Josh, don't poison my head!' I said jokingly, as Josh tried to dry my hair. 'RELAX GIRL!' He yelled, and was arguably convincing.

'Shh!' I say as I release my hand from the choker clip. 'Oh crap.' Josh says, and stands next to me in frozen position. Just then a boy walks into the bathroom, and smiles. 'Oh phew.' Josh also says, and returns to his normal pose. 'Hey Ty!' Josh says, and the boys do a handshake I can barely keep up with. 'Git your own fren, where's my handshake, Josh?' I say, mockingly. Josh laughs.

As Josh and the newly named Tyler have their conversation, I attempt to finish my hair. 'Y/N STOP!' Josh yells. I drop everything and pivot around to him. 'Wha?' I ask, confused. 'Well firstly if you dry it like that, which luckily for you it hasn't happened, you will probably make the dye come out. I swear, Y/n, I really need to watch over what you do with colouring. Remember the tattoo incident?' He adds the last part, firmly.

'What's the tattoo incident?' Tyler asks. Josh laughs, and responds. 'So basically Y/n was being a-' I gave Josh the death stare. 'Wonderful girl! Yes, and well she decided to get a tattoo, she didn't want to pay for it. So she tried to do it herself. About an hour later, I found her with a pin and ink, luckily she only sketched out her design so I stopped her.'

I shifted and a tear went down my cheek. Pins. Ugh. They remind me of my dark days. The ones im entering now.
'Oh my god did I mention- I'm so sorry..' Josh says, and hugs me. Tyler sits down next to me and plays with my hair. 'Y/n, it'.s okay. I've been through dark times, too. No matter what you're going through, the sun will rise and a new day will strike. You'll be alright.' Tyler says, quietly and comforting.

Although me and Ty have only just met, I felt that he was safe. 'I'm so sorry i'm acting like an emotional wreck. I'm suppossed to make an example of being the perfect girl, being cool. Cool kids don't cry.' I say, and I wipe my tears and throw a fake smile. Tyler frowns, and Josh hugs me again. I stand up, and I walk away. Before I can leave, Tyler touches my shoulder. 'Don't hide it. Try to make a real smile for me, will ya?' Ty says, with a cornerned tone to his voice.

I'm scared.
Very scared.

haha but no other chapter is gonna be as long as this one :) i was writing this while (in order): on a trip / airport / plane. i was v bored!

I've waited all week to see you,


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