Part 6

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Part 6

The gentle rocking back and forth is what woke him up. Smells of salt and the misty water hitting his face was what gave him a clue as to where he was and that he had been taken further than he originally assumed.

The sun was beating down heavily on him, and as Todoroki attempted to sit up or move from the uncomfortable position he had been left in. But as he shifted ever so slightly, a force came down upon his back and forced him back to the floor of the wooden boat he was in.

"Awe look at that, Dabi!" A feminine voice called out in glee. "He's finally awake!"

Todoroki's eyes twitched as he recognized the female's voice as the one who was posing as his arranged... and then also as his father. She seemed to be important for whatever was going to be happening in Highar. As a shapeshifting Cercan, the female could literally do anything she wished while disguised as Enji.

"I had a feeling he would." Another male chuckled the sounds of the foot buried into Todoroki's back squeaking as he spoke. "If only he'd stop being so full of energy. Especially since that poison is still in his system."

Todoroki grimaced as his eyes did indeed see those familiar purple lines across his skin. It appeared he was still as good as markless in this current situation. And seeing as he could barely move his arms or legs, something keeping them forced together... he could only assume his body was tied with rope or something similar.

"How did you get this poison anyway?" Todoroki asked, feeling a bit sleepy despite the nap he had already taken.

The young prince was quick to notice things. It was one of his many talents, but this one always happened to help get him out of jams rather quickly. And so, seeing as the poison being used on him now was much stronger than the one the bandits had originally used on him.

The bandit's poison only made him unable to use his magic... this one though did that but also made it so he didn't want to move or speak. It was as if the poison made him into a slug, unable to move or react to anything... or even defend himself. And even now, Todoroki knew that this poison was not even close to wearing off, but he'd be damned to not try and understand how it worked and try to make an escape plan.

"Hmm?" The blonde female spoke, twirling a strand of her blonde hair. "Awe it was from that creepy cult guy, wasn't it?"

Dabi laughed dryly, reaching a hand out and forcing Todoroki to gaze at them. It was a better view than the wooden floor of the boat, but now he was stuck gazing at the pair of assassins who sat in the boat with him going who knows where.

"Chisaki Kai." Dabi spoke, taking out a vial of some poison, the color white and milky. "He had a little girl who's magic was something else. And so, he made sure to use her and get plenty of idiots to follow him."

"You're using poison made from a child..." Todoroki's teeth gritted together. "Don't you feel guilty at all, Touya?"

Dabi shrugged. "Maybe if I still saw myself as Touya... but now as Dabi, I don't really care. A child, an adult... it doesn't matter unless I get what I want."

"You shouldn't be too upset, fake husband to be." The female chuckled. "Lovely Izuku managed to save that little girl before you two met... awe... I wish Izuku had been the prince... I would have married him and then did exactly what Tomura wants to do to him in a heartbeat."

She laughed hollowly as her tongue slipped out of her mouth and glossed over her lips with her saliva. The girl was crazy... Todoroki pretty much could see it in her glowing eyes, as something about them just was off.

Memento Mori - Yang Path (Todoroki's Ending)Where stories live. Discover now