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I really do love your suport throughout this book, but it is slowly drawing to a close! :(


I have decided to devote my writing time to this story-and this story only- until it is finished!

Plus, I'm doing a sequel, I do not know what it will be called, probably Cure or something like that. I dont know. But there are only a few more chapters of this story, then you guys will have to wait a few weeks for the sequel, so please read my other stories as I will be focusing on trying to update each and every one of my stories, and publishing hopefully all of my drafts! I will also be trying to edit, and I will set a release date for the sequel once I am about halfway through editing and posting! Thank you!

Sorry, this ain't a chapter.



Fooled you.[Maybe.]


"Okay. Jacob, your call, do we split or stay?"

"Split, harder for Zombs to reconize you that way, but be quiet." he said.

"Two or three?" Parker piped up.

"Three. Mel, you and the... wnipey one are with me."

"It's Sunny." she said, rollinng her eyes, and I snickered, and Taylor, Parker[dur] and Aidan all went together, and Mitch, Mindy and Owen went together.

"You firstm then you, then we'll go last, as a sort of backup." I directed, and Mitch, Owen, and Mindy went down, but not before I saw Owen wink in my direction, and Mitch wave before they disappeared into the darkness. After a minute, Talyor's group went.' Then we did. We went into the dark, following the walls. After a minute or so, it turned rght at a sharp angle. I winced as my shoulder hit the hard corner,  earning a small exhale of pain from my vocal chords.

"You okay?" Sunny asked me, glancing to Jacob, following him.

"Yeah, just hit my shoulder on the corner there. Its sharp." I whispered, and then we quieted down.

Then a gunshot rang out. Two. Three. Then a multitude of roars and gunfire lit up the passage.

"Damn it, stupid idiots." We moved quickly, until we saw the gunfire lighting up the passageway where everyone was. They were firing straight forwards, into a wall of Zombies. I breathed silently, and drew my small machinne gun, and lining up next to them and fired shots into the crowd. It was starting to thin out, but behind them were Runners, agitated because of the noise. I shot quickly.

Then I saw the spores.

"Masks!" I screamed, and everyone fumbled for them s I continued shooting into the small crowd of zombes.

"Put your damn mask on, Mel!"

"No need, Jacob!" I shouted back, before I start smashing their heads with the butt of my gun, and swinging it to deflect others. It was completly ruined, so I droped it and grabbed a random crowbar leaning against the wall and swung it down on a zombies head, smashing it in. I did this to two others before kicking the last one down and squishing it's head with my boot. I turned to them, a little bruised, but okay otherwise. "I quite like this thing." I said, keeping the crowbar. I grabbed my flashlight, and shined it about, until I saw my wound.

"Uh, it' shrunk. Again." I said.

"And what do you mean by not needing a mask?" Jacob said, slightly agrily.

"I'm Infected." I said, holding y head up and showing my wound, that was now half an inch. 'So's Owen." I said, gesturing to him, and he held up his own hand, showing the bite marks.

"Why did you not tell me this?!"

"I didnt think you needed to know." I said, choking back my emotions. "Let's just go." We stayed together, trakking through the darkness until I saw a faded light. The end of the tunnel.


Soo, what did you think? Leave a comment and dont forget to vote!


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