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I woke up at around 6:00 I think, and I quickly picked up my phone and laid back down again then I watched random videos.. Yes I know its bad to be on your phone that early which was few seconds just after you woke up but I dont care. Around 8:30 I started to message my friends and one of them started to ignore me -_-  I wont be telling u who it was but im sure he knows that.. I ate 4 egg sandwiches.. What!? It was yummy ok.. And that was lunch. My mom asked me to wash the dishes and I agreed because I was SUCH A GOOD DAUGHTER.. I was washing the dishes but when I tyened around cuz my mother called me I saw a freakin spider.. It was huge I mean for me I was a pussy cat when it comes to spiders. I just dodged it and ran to my mom crying because of that mother frigging spider she checked it a few seconds later "Its just a little spider it didnt even reached a full inch" She said and I gave her an annoyed look "So are granades and bullets!!" I said shouting a little bit cuz she was just peaking out from the kitchen. A few minutes later I got some strength and courage to go back and finish my stuff there but while doing them stuffz I constantly looked at the spider to see if it was moving to anywhere and few seconds later I saw it going down little by little while it was doing that I stpped back away from it and talked to it ad said "If u move.. Imma kill u with bug spray.. But the bugspray is right beside you... FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.FUCK. NUUUUU"
I said again and again but it still kept on moving like fuck no and it was like "Wtf fight me bitch" I finished it so fast and I ran back to the living room.. And I  glared at the kitchen I went up to my room and I went back to my beloved phone I made someones nickname '621' I just got this from the book 'Wrong number' by.. @k16b13 and it stands for 6 letters 2 words and 1 person it means 'my love' and damn I LOVE that story.. HAvent finished it but still.. He asked what it was but I answered really obvious ones like "what is that" I would say "numbers?" Or he asked "what numbers?" I would say "Umm.. 621?" and I just said "Just keep on guessing and tell me if u got it" then he got to the question "Do u have a crush on me?" I was shocked but I said "Wtf no ur my bro~" I replied "I'll think about that.." He said "Imma go take a nap I got tired from training basketball.. U should be tired too because of volleyball right?" He said "Oh ok sleep well ok? And yes I am actually very tired.. I'll try and go to sleep at some point ^^" I replied and said goodnight to each other. It was 1:00 and My mom said that my dad wants to go to the mall I agreed and got ready, after that we went to the mall and went to a bookstore got a few new books and also saw the book called 'Emerald' from wattpad too. We went to the department store and I found a boy wearing his shoes left on right and vice versa.. It was really weird but I walked past at it, next I saw food and I went and bought some seaweed.. I love em'. We went to the supermarket around 6:40pm and I saw another boy around my age with his little sister and when he entered he took his shoes off and started running around the market like a complete idiot making me stare weirdly at him I started mumbling "Why the heck are u running around a public supermarket withoyt any shoes like wtf!? Im actually assuming ur 12-13 or something but if u are act like one?!" I was done and few moments later I saw a kid throwing ice at his big brother like wtf I said in my mind "Why tf is there alot of weird people in this supermarket". A few isles later I saw a bed with another two boys maybe around 4-6 years old I think and one of them was jumping on a bed while the other one was peacefully sleeping.. I wanted to take a picture but their larents walked to them and I took my phone away just cuz.. We bought some spicy noodles and kimchi, Snacks for our tournament on 23 & 24 and other stuff that we need. We checked out and went home. I messaged 621 before I went to sleep and I kind of did slept in my clothes it was 11:34 so yea


Sorry if I didnt posted or updated and stuff I was just very very busy because of the big tournament me and Sparkle_080615 have. We trained for one and a half week necause we didnt have time so yea Im so sorry bye~~

We big kids now 😂😂

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