00: Wake Up Call

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Me and my brothers were watching our former Lady Of Justice named Jenni Reigns on the last ppv. She was betrayed by us on live TV, I broke her heart on live national television by calling her a cheating slut and a backstabbing traitor, then we all send her to the hospital by breaking her to pieces, and then she was abandoned by other co-workers and her friends backstage. She also has a historic chained rivalry of pure hatred in bad blood with Stephanie McMahon and that happened when she was just a normal teenage girl. A young teenage kid against a grown ass woman, yet this wasn't on-screen and it's extremely personal all the fucking way. When the Authority came out with their minions, Jenni then notices Stephanie with an evil smirk on her face and instantly she went enraged like a coldblooded killer.

"Jenni, everyone wants to know why your so-called teammates and friends left you. We've given you matches against us and you managed to win with either scars or blood on your own body." Stephanie hissed to Jenni evilly.

Jenni looked very stressed out, extremely tired and worn out from her last match. Naomi, Natalya, and Kaitlyn was beside Jenni, while she gets scared to death. She looks too skinny to where she's literally starting to turn into anorexic from an eating disorder, she's too very unhealthy to the bone, her eyes went fully dull into the darkness, she never even spoken to anyone since months, she's gotten more weaker than before, she gotten a lot more paler than a ghost...her natural tan skin was getting less colored than ever, and she has really dark spots under her own dimmed out eyes from all her horrid nightmares when she was in her deep sleeping state. Jenni now looks a lot weaker than Stephanie and a lot shorter than Naomi. She blinked up at Stephanie before harshly snatching the mic out of Stephanie's hands and just gave her a deadly glare of pure hatred.

"Stephanie, I'm really tired of fighting and my ass has been hurting for months cause of your damn lies. Let me fucking go and I'll do anything I want by my damn self...but let me take that one straight back. I wanna say is inside this so-called hellhole right now is that...I quit...for good." Jenni told her boringly, but growled her angrily in a deadly voice in the end.

She slapped Stephanie in the face and kick her ass out of the ring. She still has the mic in her hands and she was crying. Natalya, Naomi, and Kaitlyn stared at Jenni in complete disbelief. They tried to get to her, but she truly flinched and backed away from them. Jenni walk to the ropes and gave us a cold teary eyed stare. Also we're where she lives at now.

"I'm sorry, I know y'all continue hating me for all of this, but I had enough and I need to be away from this shit as long as I want. I got no one left and I have some old habits to do to myself after I leave forever." Jenni apologized to the fans in tears.

I took a mic and quietly went to the ropes only to have her punch me in the face. Seth has one along with Roman, Dean, Naomi, Natalya, and Kaitlyn. Everyone in the WWE universe are over the moon shocked to hear her say those words and she shook her head at us all. Jenni then glared at us angrily while she went out of the ring by the ropes and crying silently.

"Jenni, don't you dare run from this arena, or else we'll get you back here in one piece." I threatened her.

Jenni flipped the middle finger at me, making me frown sadly at her in guilt and shame. She continued to give us cold stares that broke my heart and she shook her head again as a no. She blink some tears out of her eyes and glowered at me quietly. I decided to apologize to her and get her back to business again cause my heart is still broken in pieces.

"Jenni, we're sorry for what we --" Dean was cut off by her and her hardened expression on her piss off face.

"I told y'all the damn truth this whole fucking time, I'm done with WWE and my life. Thanks to all of you...I'm in rehab and back to my old habits. Y'all can try to change my mind, but it's already too late and I'll be home to where I can do a wonderland of torture to myself. I hate y'all to death and I hope that I'll rather die than coming back here." She hissed at us angrily on the mic.

She continues to pant and shiver in fear.

"Now I'm back feeling that I have nobody else in my own damn life anymore..." Jenni sobbed her last sentence softly as tears fell out of her eyes.

We were saddened by her crying frame while she stares at all of us with mixed emotions and feelings. She slams the microphone on the floor and ran up the ramp before storming backstage to her locker room. The cameras show her running with Hunter's sledgehammer in her own bare hands, and hearing slamming the door shut once she reached her locker room. All over the arena...everyone heard curse words, loud screams, clear sobs, furniture breaking, random things being thrown, teary cries, frustrated yells, and glass shattering inside her room until it stopped to hear her let out a long girly screech so loud that we covered her eyes for a second. That broke my heart even more than her quitting her own job right on live TV and she must've had enough with WWE for good. It took everything I had as a man to not cry and go after her.

∞(Time Skip)∞


Jenni came out of her locker room in dark baggy clothes with long sleeves, bandages underneath them, a purse filled with her last paycheck, a full suitcase of her necessary items, a backpack filled with her old habits, a gray beanie, short heeled boots that reaches under her knees, and a fancy pair of eye glasses. She slowly walked down the hallways of WWE as blue tears of pure sadness consumed her like a cocoon. Jonah and his three brothers watch her every move before she froze up into fear. She ran off to the garage and The Shield chase after her.

"SIS!!" Roman called her out.

Jenni managed to hide from the four men in time, they searched for her by each car and saw her nowhere to be found. Until the Shield heard a trunk closing shut, forcing Jenni to quickly run inside the back seats and locked the doors shut when she reached the front driver's seat. They got to the side where she is at and she crawl to the back.

"EMILEIGH, OPEN UP THE DOOR NOW!!" Seth demanded at her.


They saw her go to the driver's side again and then started the engine. She put it into backwards before she turned and rode from the garage to the road.

"EMILEIGH!!" The boys yelled out pleadingly.

"DAMN IT!!" Jonah snapped angrily.

∞(Time Skip)∞


I was riding to where my girls is at with tears in my eyes and I was crying while driving. I made to the airport and I posted my last message to WWE that says this, "Y'all think I'm just kidding, but I'm dead serious about it and I mean it! WWE, I'll have revenge on you all and bring my rebellion back against all of you! Y'all watch this flashback clip when I was young in elementary school through senior year and y'all know my pain! I don't want anyone calling me ever again cause I'm not returning and I won't be back till everything is in chaos. I got my band to reunite and concerts to do, so...DON'T TALK TO ME AGAIN!!" I sent them the video on YouTube and sat down on my chair inside first class of the airplane. Here we go back to my former home Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

My name is Emileigh Anoa'i aka Jenni Reigns and this is my life story about me.

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