Gabriel didn't know why this "Jeohang" person was still messaging him. But he tried to play along anyways.
Jeohang: So what brought you to the Void?
c0nr1: nothing, really? Goulman just send me a weird link
Jeohang: Goulman? Not a recruiter?
c0nr1: yeah it was Goulman
Jeohang: Oh wow
c0nr1: what
Jeohang: It's been a long time since Goulman recruited someone himself
Well, yeah, Gabriel thought, it's been a long time since anybody tried to kill the leader of a famous hacking league just by using Blue Whale. Not everybody can do what I do.
He paused. But where has it really gotten me?
Jeohang: U still there?
c0nr1: yeah
Jeohang: oh ok, sorry
c0nr1: don't sweat it. what were you saying?
Jeohang: What's different about u? Why Goulman recruited you himself?
c0nr1: you ever heard of blue whale?
Jeohang: Suicide challenge, yes?
c0nr1: ye
Jeohang: Yes, yes, lots of that in Russia and Spain
c0nr1: you from either of those?
Jeohang: no but I heard stories
c0nr1: ye, everyone's heard stories
Jeohang: So why Goulman recruit u? Sorry for bad English by the way
c0nr1: probably because of my involvement with 476 and blue whale. hey remember the other day when you told me i needed to stay away from Goulman?
Jeohang: yes!
c0nr1: why'd you tell me that
Jeohang: just trust me
c0nr1: no. what'd he do to you?
Jeohang: Goulman never did bad to me, all I say is I've seen a cult of personality before
c0nr1: what?
Jeohang: People think Goulman is like god. they think he is great leader with lots of money and connections
c0nr1: well he seems like he knows everything, soooo
Jeohang: No, only the blackholes know. and even they do not know everything. I am just saying, you should stay away from Goulman
c0nr1: why tho
Jeohang: He is not as great as they think, he is only a tyrant
c0nr1: the deeps aren't exactly *meant* to be civil, you know
Jeohang: The deeps have never seen anyone like Goulman