Weall know it.
Everyequestrian is confronted by it at one point.
Forsome it comes sooner.
Forothers later.
Thisone point that could change it all.
Thisone point ...
...whereyou feel like quitting.
Thepoint where you hate going to the barn.
Thepoint where you keep on bragging about how amazing your sport is...
...Butactually you hate it.
Thepoint where saddling up your horse doesn't fill you with excitementand happiness but with frustration.
Whenyou worked on the same problem over and over again...
... andnothing seems to get better.
Whenyou fail at the same thing over and over again.
Whenyou feel like being stuck.
Nothingever seems to change.
Theown horse you just can't afford.
Thelease horse you are only allowed to do a few things with.
Thelesson horse you ride far to few to achieve anything.
Thelacking indoor arena.
Thetrainer who doesn't see your struggles and problems.
Andthen there are others...
yousee them having success.
Yousee them reaching your goals.
Everythingseems so easy when they do it.
Andyou think...
MaybeI should just stop?
Maybegiving up would make things easier?
Justa new sport? A restart? Another barn? Another horse?
Youcome up with excuses for not going to the barn.
Buteventually you find old photos of you.
Sittingon a pony with a wide smile plastered over your whole face.
Andyou start remembering...
Thelittle goals you achieved during your riding career.
Thefirst canter.
Thefirst trail ride.
Thefirst jump.
Thefirst time bareback.
Thesmall things the small kid on the pony would be amazed by.
Andsuddenly you start missing the saddle underneath again.
Youstart missing your horse.
Youstart missing all their flaws that made you curse.
Youstart missing all the little things you love about them.
Youstart missing the soft nose.
Youstart missing the scent and the feeling when you bury your nose intheir mane.
Youstart missing the freedom you feel while cantering.
Youhaven't been stuck.
Itjust felt like it for some time.
Butwhen looking back on the first ride on the horse you now rideregularly...
Ohyou accomplished a lot.
Rememberthe first jog?
Itwas pretty hard to sit, right?
Rememberriding the first circle?
Lookedmore like an egg, right?
Rememberthe first trail ride?
Itfelt like you'll never be able to gallop through the forest withoutlosing control, right?
Therehave been so many problems you both had. So many times you thought:
'Whydo I always get the crazy, stubborn horse? Every horse does thisthing without any problems but mine of course not!'
Butyou learned a lot of things.
Nowyou know what determination really means.
Youread about it in a lot of equestrian quotes.
Youhad it all the time.
Otherwiseyou wouldn't be where you are now.
Determinationis what keeps us moving forward and making progress.
Andguess what...
..theone spoiled girl who seemed to reach anything you ever dreamt of...
..sheprobably quits after failing a few times. She probably quits whenbeing confronted by the same problem you have now.
Becauseshe's used to having success. She's used to get the best horsepossible. She's used to having other people solving her horses flaws.She just sits on top and smiles.
Lether smile...
Oneday you'll be better than her..
Becausethe will to work hard and determination vs. Daddy's money...
Youknow what wins.
Youknow that it's worth in the end.
Andnow go see your horse...
Lookin their eyes...
... andyou'll know why you won't quit.
Determination (Equestrian motivation)
AcakWe all know it. Every equestrian is confronted by it at one point.