chapter one

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oh great

ugh not him again what do i have to do to avoid this guy? really i mean i have been going to this school for 6 years.

i am now in year twelve

he never took notice of me ever .

and now he cant freaken take his fucking beady eyes of of my back my front my everything

yay life

i was the invisable girl untill last week wew i loved being invisable unseen unheard complelty in my own world.

but now not to great.

well i guess i should introduce myself and well i guess the perks of my life ahaha

by the was i was kidding about the perks they are more like the erks but some people call it life and well mine is a living hell.

any way my name is jaimi lee parker i am 18 and currently attending unangle high wew

ugh i feel like shit why did i go out drinking last night , by myself by the way ahahah

yay life another one of your perks lol

i let out a huffed sigh

hello jaimi anyone home?

yeah unfortunately i reluctantly reply

omg jay lossen up a little you can really be so depressing.

ahahah very funny jazz nice try but i think you mean dark and mestoriours i winked at my bestie.

she just gives me the look of you wish and replyes with a roll of the eyes well when i say a roll i mean she attempts to do it but fails and just ends up going cross eyed.

i tried to hide my laugh but i failed epically and burst out laughing

what?? she exclamed .

i just smerk wilst i replied with my typical nothing and then rolled mt eyes succesfull iwas a pro for i have been do it my whole life.

whatever loser she replyed with a swift flick of her mousie brown hair

i just repeated my eye roll and was just about to say some thing when criss decoda walked in my throat went dry andi could feel a lump form ugh great .

jazz gives me a pussled look

i ignore her sigh and lay my head on my perfectly tattoed and tanned arm letting my reddish chocolate hair fall over my face and play with my lip rings wilst i wait for him to pass.

huhcmm i heard as some one heared there throat loudly beside me

what is it jack ??? replying thinking that it was my boyfriend

no reply

i started to slowly lift hair out of my eyes and stopped half of the reason was because i didnt reckognise the bright white nikes that were next to my studded docs.

my heat stopped.

no no no no no it cant be he cant be here not now nooooooooo

hey a huskey voice whispered to close for my comfort.

i put on a fake smile for i already new who it was and faced my ex and his new toy sarah higgens ugh i really hate that bitch.

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