Chapter 1: Good news

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Pre-fun, the sense of enjoyment felt before a party or event takes place.


It was a warm and quiet morning when young Rooney Mara heard her phone ring. She grabbed it quickly, not wanting to lose much of the movie she was watching on TV. She spotted her agent's name on the screen, Mackenzie Smith, a beautiful redhead at the peak of her 30s. They've been friends for almost ten years now. She realized what it was about fast enough, but she didn't expect such great news as the one(s) that came.

"Good morning, Mara. Slept well? Had good dreams? Woke up well? Are you in a good mood?" The agent was extremely agitated, what only happens on rare occasions.

"My God, Kenzie, get straight to the point. Did I get the role or not?"

"Well, yes and no. You auditioned for Vanessa, right? Right. However, Todd said there's no other person in this world more perfect for the role of Gravity than you." She paused, probably waiting for the younger girl's response, that didn't came because she was still processing the information, so she continued. "Rons, you got the lead role." The excitement in her voice was perceptible.

Rooney felt her heart racing like a horse, thinking that it would probably come out of her mouth at any moment. She needed to breathe deeply a few times, and before she could compose herself, Mackenzie completed "Cate Blanchett got the part of Beatrice," she said with some irony in her voice, knowing how much the brunette love Cate and her work. Well, maybe more than that, and the redhead really knew how to provoke Rooney when it was about that.

That second. Right there. The younger one felt the greatest chill she had ever felt, taking over all her body. She realized that not only she got the lead role in a movie that has everything to be one of the greatest success of the lasts years, but also earned the honor of working with one of the greatest and beautiful actresses of the decade. She begins to hyperventilate and Mackenzie realizes it.

"Hey Rons, breathe ok? I'll be there in 10 minutes with some wine and sweets. Please don't die before making this movie. Breathe with me, okay?" The older one knew how serious things could get if Rooney didn't control her breath soon. They both did a few minutes of breathing exercises and Mara finally got back to normal.

"There. Good girl, I'm coming. Please be dressed"

"As if in the case I wasn't would be a problem for you." The younger jokes, knowing that actually it wouldn't. She heard a "shut up" and the older announces she needs to turn off 'cause she's getting in the car and heading towards Rooney's house.

The brunette runs to the bathroom to take a hot bath and relax, but ends up getting even more tense by thinking too much about what was about to come.

The front door is heard opening and the young one knows that it's Kenzie making a good use of the key's copy she won a few months ago in order to avoid Mara's headache having to open the door every time the redhead just appeared there.

She comes out of the bath and picks up a towel, slowly drying herself, feeling the soft texture trawling every inch of her skin, trying to calm her heart and her breath down, starting to feel a slight discomfort caused by the speedy breathing. Lost in thoughts, she didn't notice the approach of the other woman, until she feels a hand touching her shoulder; she smiles without turning, already familiarized with the touch.

The two women had a history, but now they were just good friends that in times of need, helped each other up. Rooney sighs softly and turns, staring the blue-as-can-be Kenzie's eyes, and smiling as soon as she remembers that she actually got the role. The redhead hugs the other girl and congratulates her, telling how proud she is and making sure to remember how many times she said the brunette would get the part.

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