Chapter 11

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Feyre POV

We were given until sunrise, but I'm ready within the hour. The plan is for me to show up at the weavers cabin while everyone else waits here, fully armed and ready to go at the first sign of trouble. Varian will winnow in Amren, Mor will winnow in Nesta, Azriel will winnow in Cass, and Rhys will winnow in Elain. We tried to convince Elain to stay behind but she stood firmly in her decision to come, claiming she couldnt just sit around and wait - she had killed the king of Hybern after all.

"I don't like this." Rhys says, pushing off the door frame he had been leaning against.

"I know you don't. But I'm still going. Who knows what these people will do if I don't. I'm not letting them hurt anyone else."

"I'll go. I can put on a glamour. Maybe they'll believe it."

"No, Rhysand. They'll see right through a glamour."

"At least let me send Azriel with you. He can hide in the shadows and help you if we can't get to the weavers for whatever reason."

"No. I can do this on my own. Wards have never stopped you before, why would they stop you now?"

"But what if it takes too long to dismantle the wards?"

"Look, Rhysand, these people clearly don't want to hurt anyone more than they have to, if they did Varian would be a lot worse off than he is right now. I know you're worried, and you have every right to be, but I'm doing this and no one can stop me." I take his hand and walk downstairs where the rest of our family is waiting.

"You guys look like I'm going on some epic journey that I'll never return from. I'm coming back. I'll be fine. Cheer up."

Mor tries to smile, but fails. That's more than can be said for the rest of them. I smile at all of them as I winnow out.

The smell of the forest hits my nose first, than the still lingering sent of fat coming from the weavers cabin. Even with the weaver dead for nearly 2 years the smell of her cabin hasn't changed. I approach the cabin, one hand on the sword at my hip. "Hello?" I call as I walk in to the cabin.

"Hello, Feyre." Sitting by the weavers wheel, is one of the last people I expected to see here. One of the last people I expected to be behind this. Because sitting at the weavers wheel, is the spring soldier that helped me free my family, Riggy is the one that attacked Varian.

"Riggy? You're behind this?"

"Me and many others."

"What do you want Riggy?"

"Oh, on the contrary, I don't want anything, however the organization I work for has something you may want."

"And what's that?"

"A prophecy."

"A prophecy?" I scoff.

"Yes. A prophecy. About you, and your unborn child."

"Ok. If that's true than why did you tell us to give you what you want?"

"Oh. That. All we want is for you to promise you'll fulfill the prophecy."

"Are you going to tell me what the prophecy is first?"

"Born of sorrow, born of pain
Born of love and grieving
Born of one from death restored
And one forever living

Born to break and born to mend
Born to bring together
Born to make the world anew
And raise the world asunder."

"I'll get back to you." I say, and then try to winnow out. "Why can't I winnow?"

"Just a precaution. There are wards around the cabin preventing the use of magic, you'll be able to winnow as soon as you exit the cabin."

I storm out and winnow home.

"What happened? You said you would keep in touch the whole time. I-I couldn't feel you down the bond." Rhys says, frantically checking me over for any injury as soon as I enter the house.

"I'm fine Rhys. There were wards around the cabin preventing the use of magic, that's probably why you couldn't feel anything." I send the memory of the meeting into the minds of my family.

"Holy shit." Mor says

"But how do we know this is about our baby? We've both died and come back. And so has Amren. Maybe Amren and Varian are going to have a kid and it will save the world or whatever." Rhys says.

"Yeah. I don't plan on ever having children. The gods know it's difficult enough with all of you. Besides 'born of love and grieving' the only reason you two came back is because you love eachother so much that you forced the other high lords to help bring eachother back. And you've both lost so much, so that's where the grieving comes in." Amren says.

"Wait. You don't want kids?" Varian sounds slightly shocked.

"We can talk about that later. Right now there are more important things to figure out. Like what this prophecy means." Amren replies.

"Its fairly obvious, is it not? Their child is going to unite the fae and the mortals, 'born to bring together' come on guys." Of course Mor would be able to figure it out so quickly. With her gift of truth it's not surprising.

"Ok but, 'born to break and born to mend' what could that possibly have to do with that theory?" Rhys crosses his arms.

"Nothing can be mended before it has been broken. Honestly Rhys it's obvious your child will be responsible for a new era. An era of peace, and unity for all people. Not just between lesser fae and high fae, or the rich and the poor, but between everyone, mortal and fae alike." Mor explains.

"No offence Mor, but that was really cheesey." Az says.

We all burst out laughing, that's something I'd expect from Cass or Rhys, but never from Az. He's certainly become more comfortable teasing Mor these past few weeks, perhaps he's finally over her. I notice how he keeps himself angled towards Elain and smile, they both deserve happiness after what they've been through, we all deserve happiness.

A/n warning you now the next few chapters and possibly the rest of this story are going to have an ungodly amount of dad jokes, you have been warned. 💙

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