Chapter 27

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Feyre pov

"He should be titled." Eris argues. "He needs to have some idea of how to run a court."

"They need to have compassion." I counter, entering the room we had designated for these meetings. "They can't be like Tamlin."

The day after the deaths of Tamlin and Beron we had decided it was pointless to stay in a war camp when there was a perfectly good manor just a few miles away. I had arrived late to today's meeting simply because the circle had gotten it into their heads that I was exhausted and needed rest. They were right, of course, but exhaustion was better than the alternative, better than being stuck alone with my memories of this place. They had nearly succeeded in their plan, until they made the mistake of leaving Elain as gaurd. It was easy enough to convince her to come on a walk and slip away once she was distracted, talking about flowers.

"Darling," Rhys says, rising to pull out my chair, "you're supposed to be resting."

"Oh, don't be such a mother hen." I reply, walking over and swatting him back into his seat.

"Did you really think Elain would be able to stop me?" I ask, sitting.

"No," Rhys replies, "but I was hoping you'd fall asleep."

I scoff.

"I'm serious, Feyre. When was the last time you got a full nights sleep? Cause I'm pretty sure it was the night you collapsed."

Thinking back, I realize he's right. The night after that had been the night Autumn had attacked Summer and we had rushed here to warn Tarquin, who was preparing for a battle in Spring. That night I had been too worried about what the next day might bring to sleep. The next I couldn't help but grieve for the male who had brought me over the wall and set me on the path to my mate. After that we had come to the manor, where what little sleep I got was plagued by nightmares. But Rhys had been up with me, through all of it.

"You haven't slept since then either." I remind him.

"I'm not pregnant."

"Doesn't mean you don't need sleep."

"You need more."

"You worry too much."

"You need to take care of yourself."

"I take care of myself fine. Just, not here."

Rhys sighs but doesn't press any further. We turn our attention back to the meeting. They're still arguing about the type of person they think should rule over the Spring Court. Lucien keeps suggesting we ask the Spring Court residents, it's not a bad idea, but the other courts keep pushing to deal with this quickly and quietly.

"Lucien's right," I say abruptly, "we should ask the people. Have them come here, to the manor, and tell us what they want their leader to be like."

"That will take weeks." Thesan argues.

"So let it." Rhys replies. "We're never going to reach an agreement on our own. We send messengers out today, tell the people to come to the manor, say two weeks from now. That gives Eris enough time to return home and be officially declared High Lord. It gives all of us time to go home."

"We're supposed to just trust that you'll return at the end of the two weeks?" Kallias asks.

"By the cauldron." I snap. "I already told you, I don't want the title or the power. I want to get this over with so I can go home and get on with my life."

The room starts to shake.


Author's Note

I'm baaaaaaack! This chapter has actually been written for a while but I kept telling myself I didn't want to end it on a cliff hanger. And then ACOSF came out and I debated just not finishing this fic cause I didn't see much point to it when there's a cannon book to fill the void. But then I realized alot of people either don't like ACOSF or won't read it. So I've decided to continue, however I HATE Wattpads updates. So, how would y'all feel if I moved this fic to Ao3 and finished it there? If y'all want, I'll finish the fic here but I'll probably also move it to Ao3.

Thank you so much for your continued support on this fic💙💙

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