Sirens, blue and red lights, pounding on the door. Rough voices, "Open up, it's the police!" More pounding. "Open this door before we kick it down!" Fingers snatching away my Dad, Principal Pierce cackling, like a witch, in the back ground. "I told you that you would pay." His demonic cackle echoed in my ears.
I quickly sat up, gasping for air. I looked around, no lights, no noise. Just a dream, a nightmare. I got out of bed and looked at the time. 7:25, I usually wake up at 8:00 so I decided to make myself a decent breakfast and lunch for a change. I finished eating my Coco Pops and washed my bowl. I rumaged through the fridge and found lettuce, mayo and chicken salami pieces. I whipped together a delicious looking sandwich. I realised that it had been the exact same as the one Jimin gave me. I shrugged my shoulders and went to take a long, warm shower as the heat over night has made me feel uncomfortable. I decided to stick to the black, chic theme. I dried my hair and picked out another black t shirt. I got a pair of scissors and cut it, making it into a crop top. I topped it with the same jeans, shoes and jacket as yesterday and as it had just turned to 8:25, I decided to call Suyoung to give me a lift. "Hey Suyoung."
"Hey what's up, why you calling me so early?" She replied, but she sounded kind of tiered. I then heared a masculine voice murmuring in the background. She hushed the voice and I replied. " Well, can you drop me off to school. Since we're both awake."
"Oh ok then. Erm, I'll be there in 10."
"Sweet, thanks, bye."
"Good bye, see you soon."
Exactly 10 minutes later I heard a horn of a car beep. I rushed outside, remembering everything this time. I shut the door and turned to see Suyoung, but turned back around immediately as I saw Jimin's galaxy car. I started to walk to school, but he kept on following in his car. I sweared under my breath and he abruptly stopped the car. "Yah, Y/N, you just said a bad word, tut tut." I rolled my eyes, I was annoyed, why did Suyoung send Jimin. So I decided to reply, "Yah Jimin, you are such an idiot, tut tut." He pulled the car up to the side walked and opened the passenger side door. I shook my head but he said, "Aish, come on. Just this once." I really wasn't bothered so I just said, "You already said that last time." I felt his eyes staring me down. "Cute outfit and I said that when I was dropping you off, not picking you up." I smiled sarcastically and thought to myself, who could argue with that logic. So I opened the door carefully and quickly grabbed the seat belt and buckled it before Jimin could. He seemed to be taken back and said, "Oh, ok then, you don't want to see my abs again." He smiled annoyingly and I felt my cheeks going crimson. I was so embarrassed that I was about to get out of the car but suddenly, I was pulled back by Jimin flooring the gas. I wasn't prepared so I let out a scream. Jimin laughed, but I kept screaming, I felt the car gradually slow down, I clutched my chest. "Wow, this thing really does have fire power." I touched the leather interior and the cream dash board. Jimin distruped my awe as he asked, "Y/N, what was that in the car? Because it has kind of made things awkward between us and I don't want that? I nodded, realising what game he was playing. He was waiting for me to lean closer but I just answered the question. "In the car, I gave you a taste of your own medicine, and don't worry, it won't make things any more awkward that it already is." He stopped the car, I was ready to get out until I realised that we weren't anywhere near school. I kind of panicked. I had gotten into a car, with a playboy, who has tried to kiss me multiple times. What was I thinking?"
"Well, we are here." Said Jimin. I looked at him and got back into to the car and crossed my arms, "No, we are really not, I asked to be dropped off at school, were we should both be." Jimin had opened the door and was still holding it. "Aish, just get out. I have something to show you and we have plenty of time to get to school and still be early. I promise." I still didn't budge, looking at the road ahead. I then felt two cold hands secure a grip under my knees and on my bare skin. I was shocked, Jimin swooped me up in bridal style and shut the door using his feet. "Yah, what are you doing, put me down. What if some one sees. Aish, stop." I said this while kicking my legs and waving my arms in random directions. Jimin still didn't give up. Instead he opened a gate which creeked open and placed me on a swing set of two, he sat on the one next to me.
"Okaay, cute, now can we go."
"Yah, why can't you be patient, and that hurt." I smiled apologetically and steadily began to push myself. Jimin did the same and started to talk. "When my Mum was in Kindergarden, she used to come here everyday after class. So did my Dad. They kept this up all the way till hight school. This is where they had their first date, this is where he proposed, this is-" I cut him off and attempted to finish his sentence. "This is where she gave birth to you, I know, I know." Jimin let out a silk like laugh, but I could tell by his face that he was serious. I signalled him to carry on. "This is where he broke up with her, right after she had me."

Something Special
FanfictionHe looked at me wantingly. Forget their opinions Y/N, you've got that Something Special.