Mage Gym Class

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You had finally finished your classes and looked at the time. It was gym...

Before you met him, you hated gym class with every ounce of your body. You were always alone and have never been good at sports. Not to mention picked on.

But now you had a reason to enjoy yourself, a reason to exercise with motivation.

And it was all thanks to your boyfriend, Mage Nanashiro.

He wasn't required to attend gym class, but after hearing your complaints, he decided that today he would join you on the court.

The bell rang and as if on cue, the door flew open and Mage stood before you.

"Hey babe, ready?" He asked with a grin as you nodded your head. You threw your bag onto the ground and ran towards him happily.

He threw you over his shoulder and led you towards the gym, but you gained mean looks from the other students. You knew it wasn't nice, but you stuck your tongue out like a child, not helping the situation.

Before you knew it, you were at the girls locker room. Mage was about to carry you in but you stopped him.

"Wait, Mage!! You can't go in the girls locker room!!" You exclaimed, squirming to get off his shoulder. He placed you down and you realized the extreme height difference.

"Why not?" He asked, genuinely confused.

You lightly whispered about how girls change clothes in the locker room, and a light shade of pink crossed his cheeks.

"T-That means, you too?" He whispered as you nodded your head.

"You can just wait here, okay? I'll be right back!!" You called, running into the locker room to get changed.

You opened your locker and quickly put on your gym uniform. The shirt was too tight around your chest and the shorts were shorter than your fingertips. You hated the uniforms more than anything, but you couldn't run around in a skirt...

Timidly, you walked back out into the gym to find Mage staring at all the other students running around.

"Mage, I'm back..." You said lightly, tugging your shorts and gaining his attention.

"Woah..." He said under his breath. "Y-You look really nice..." He avoided eye contact as you giggled.

He never really left the student council room, and this was probably his first time seeing the gym uniforms.

You could sense the awkwardness he created as you tried to change the subject.

"Anyways, ready to go?" You asked as he nodded his head.

It was early spring, and the gym teachers instructed the class to run around the track field. You hated running, especially on the track field.

You were always the last one running and by yourself, the kids called you 'slower than a turtle'...

When you told Mage that, he insisted that he would stay by your side.

"No, I can't ask you to do that. I'll just slow you down if you run with me..."

"What? (Y/n), I'm saying this because I want to run alongside you!! It's okay if you're slow, I'll be right here, okay?"

You nodded your head at his kind words and smiled as the two of you made your way towards the track. The other students already began to run, and a group of snotty girls ran towards you.

"You think just because you've got the student council secretary by your side, it'll somehow make you a better runner?" The one shouted as they began to pass you.

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