Urie Gym Class

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I made this meme and I had to post it lmao I make a bunch of memes over on Amino too 👌 

For some reason, Urie Sogami has been interested in you for the past few days. What other reason would he have to be constantly wooing and showering you in compliments?

He's been taking time out of his day to talk to you, and because of it, you've become the enemy to all of his fangirls. And today was no exception.

You never meant to, and you always had a reason, but you've never been able to trust someone enough to tell them the truth...even if it meant lying to the staff at school and your classmates.

And you've been intentionally skipping gym class recently, claiming to have a head or stomach ache, but the everyone had caught onto your little lie. And now forced you to participate.

Urie seemed overjoyed to spend more time with you, but that meant more hurtful words from his fangirls when he wasn't looking.

Sighing, you changed into your too tight uniform and walked back out of the gymnasium. It was shorter than your fingertips and it felt like the uniform was glued to your body.

You lied to your Guardian so they wouldn't worry about you, but the uniform was another cause to you skipping gym. It was uncomfortable and felt like it was glued to your body.

"My my, little Butterfly, you look stunning in that uniform~"

You didn't say anything, afterall, how could you respond with all the hateful glares you received. Urie turned around but the girls automatically changed to delightful smiles.

The gym teacher called Urie over, leaving you with his group of girls; alone.

"Who the hell do you think you are, wearing such a tight and slutty uniform?" One of the girls asked in anger.


"You think you're special just because he has his eyes on you?" Another one questioned. You couldn't even respond before Urie called for his Butterflies.

They gave you hurtful glares before skipping and fussing over Urie. You just sighed.

You didn't understand why someone like him would want to bother with you anyways. Maybe just to add another girl to his fanclub? You just couldn't understand it.

You weren't anything special and actually tried your best to blend in. You didn't have any friends and tried to focus on your grades this year...even though you were almost failing math and science...

Your hair wasn't styled nor given the time of day. Makeup just didn't appeal to you and you gave up on your appearance along with your self esteem.

Seeing all these fangirls with perfect hair and makeup and bodies just left you envious...

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard someone call your name. You didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

Hesitantly, you looked behind you to see Urie waving his hands at you, motioning for you to go over there. And he was utterly surrounded by fangirls...

Slowly, you walked towards him as he handed you a paddle. It took you a moment to understand the situation.

There were several tables set up, and Urie stood on the other side of the table.

"(Y/n), I challenge you to a match of table tennis~" As the words smoothly came out of his mouth, the girls squealed and you stood there awkwardly.

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