Chapter 1: Payment

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Gunshots. The sound of gunshots made Tom feel lightheaded. He couldn't see where he was going. How long has he been running now? An hour? Maybe two? Doesn't matter. All that matters is escaping from these soldiers.

Tom's vision was getting blurry. He reached into his duffel bag to take out a bottle of water, but then he remembered it was taken by one of those damn soldiers.

There was no hope.

Or so, that's what he thought. Tom soon ducked into a corner behind a somehow still stable building.

The soldiers ran past him.

Tom let out a sigh of relief after he was safe. He winced as his throat began to feel sore from running without a water break.


He needed water.

It wasn't the most wise thing to do, but what other choice did he have?

Tom slowly got up, holding his stab wound which was located right below his hip. He then began to limp around in search for water or any sort of liquid.

Tom flinched and whimpered as some glass shards from shattered windows impaled his bare feet. He was exhausted, and in no condition to run anymore.

He then spotted a man in the distance.

Tom had two options. One, call out to the man and seek help. Two, avoid the man and lower the risk of getting murdered. He was in need of help, so he decided to go with the first one.

"Hey! You there! Help me!" Tom hollered, using the last bit of strength in his voice before it completely broke.

The man turned his head to stare at Tom. What an idiotic young man he was.

The man pulled out his gun and approached Tom who stared at the man in surprise. Then again, why would he be surprised? You can't trust anyone nowadays.

Tom stayed down on the ground and closed his eyes, bracing for an impact from the man and accepting his fate.

That is, until the man said something.


That brings us to the present day. Tom was sitting in his office sharpening his harpoons and polishing his harpoon gun.

"Blue Leader," A voice from outside called, "You have a visitor."

"Tell them I'll be there in a bit." Tom said. The other person nodded and left. Tom sighed, remembering the day that his old friend Edd had rescued him from those soldiers. If Edd wasn't there, who knows what could've happened to him?

Tom walked to the front entrance of his base. He was surprised to see Edd standing there with a smile on his face.

"Tom!" Edd exclaimed, pulling the Blue Army Leader into a hug. Tom was surprised, happy, and confused. They were all enemies. Edd hated him. He hated Edd. They all hated each other. What happened?

"Edd?" Tom asked as he looked at his old friend. He didn't return the hug, which made Edd frown a bit.

"I know you're wondering why I'm here, but I had nowhere else to go." Edd said, moving to the side and revealing his soldiers that were behind him. "Long story short, my army got attacked, and we had to evacuate! Remember all those years ago when I saved your life and I told you that you'd have to repay me one day? Well, today is that day!"

"I guess it's obvious that I don't have a choice in the matter, but why not Matt's Army?" Tom asked, tilting his head in curiosity. "You could find a much better way for me to repay you other than you staying here with me."

"Well, Matt's Army is a bit weak at the moment. The Red Army is currently onto them, so I don't think I need to go into further detail as to why I'm staying with you."

Tom sighed heavily, "Fine. Just don't make a mess. The dorms for the soldiers are to the right, and I guess you can stay in the guest bedroom beside mine." He said, turning away from his old friend. "You better not be a spy."

Edd chuckled, "We're still friends, Tom. I wouldn't turn on you. Besides, it would be foolish to try and attack your army while I'm staying here. It's obvious that your army is currently stronger than mine. Maybe we could team up against the Red and Purple Army?" He suggested.

Tom let out a low chortle as he crossed his arms, "Possibly. I need to gain your trust first, Edd. This is the problem with you. You run into things too quickly and expect a good outcome. Life isn't like that, Edward. Honestly, you're thinking like a child."

Edd scoffed and turned away, "Whatever. Once my army regains its strength, I'm going to take down all three of your guys's armies. But for now," He extended his hand for Tom to shake, "Let's be friends."

Tom grinned and accepted the handshake, "I can't wait to see you prevail."

And with that, the two leaders went separate directions. Tom went left to go to his bedroom, and Edd led his soldiers to the right to get them all settled in.

Meanwhile, an intimidating, caramel horn haired man sat on a chair behind his desk. His fingers were intertwined with one another as he rested his head on the back of his hands. His silver eyes shined bright in the moonlight as he stared blankly at his paperwork. So much work to do, so little time.

A knock was heard from the door that led to the man's office, making him growl in annoyance. "Enter." He said coldly.

A small, scrawny male nervously opened the door, "R-Red Leader?" He whimpered.

"Did I give you permission to speak, Soldier?" The Red Leader scowled as he stood up and walked up to the boy.

He froze and cowered below the dangerous man. He didn't dare move or say another word in fear of angering his leader. After a few minutes of staring, Red Leader gave the soldier a friendly smile, "You have permission to speak."

The soldier let out a sigh of relief, "The Green Army has run off somewhere. We don't know where, and we don't have any leads on them. What do we-"

The soldier didn't get a chance to finish as a loud gunshot was heard. He fell to the ground, blood splattering onto the walls as he laid motionless.

The man in red laughed and lit a cigar. He smirked at the dead body at his feet and sighed, "Oh, my dear sweet old friends," He started as he put the cigar in his mouth, "The fun has just begun..."

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