Chapter 2: He Always Gets What He Wants

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"Edd, wake up. Your soldiers are destroying my kitchen." Tom said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Edd groaned as he sat up and smirked at Tom, "Not my problem." He said before laying back down.

Tom growled and stormed back into the kitchen. He began to grumble to himself, "How could Edd be such an irresponsible bi-"

"Blue!" The chef said, "Language!"

Tom looked over at his chef, Eliza. He smiled apologetically at her, "Sorry. I'm just a bit stressed is all. Oh, and you're probably gonna have to double the amount of food today because of my guest's soldiers. He doesn't want to take responsibility for them and they won't listen to me. Again, sorry for my language, and I apologize for the extra work you must do."

Eliza giggled, "No worries, Blue. I love to cook anyway!" She beamed. Tom was a bit taken aback by her positivity, yet again he always is. Her husband cheated on her and her eldest son died, yet she remains in such high spirits. How does she do it?

"Oh, and Blue? The head of the clothing department called in. They said someone tried calling you earlier but you were asleep and they didn't want to disturb you." Eliza said, flipping the pancakes on her frying pan.

Tom sighed heavily, "Remind me to tell them to wake me up if I receive an incoming call again." He said. Eliza nodded, "Will do."

And with that, Tom walked to the main room where he took calls. The room wasn't much, in fact it was small. The walls were painted blue, and the floor and ceiling were black. A large television screen hung from the ceiling so whoever was calling them could present themselves fully. A large red couch resembling the one at their old house sat in front of the television. A nightstand stood by the right side of the couch as well.

Tom sighed heavily and sat down on the couch. He respectfully waited for whoever called him to call back.

Meanwhile, the Red Leader was furiously staring at the screen before him. "He really didn't pick up? Probably drunk. Stupid Jehovah," He grumbled, taking another drag from his cigar.

"But I don't want to seem desperate." The intimidating man said to himself. He turned on the walkie-talkie and began spending into it, "Pau. Pat. Get my soldiers ready for an infiltration in England. Make them look everywhere for the Blue Army base. Once they find it, contact me immediately. The drunk didn't want to pick up, so we'll just use force."

"But Tord-" Pat began, but was immediately cut off by his son speaking the cold, harsh words in his thick Norwegian accent.

"Speaking out of turn, are we?" The man in red huffed, "No buts. Do as I say, and failure to do so will result in severe consequences. Understood?"

"Understood, Red Leader."

And with that, Tord walked out of the room and into his office. He wasn't a very patient man, and is pissed off very easily. Not even the two men that raised him could calm him down. But his old friend Thomas was different.

They got into arguments in the past, so one could imagine that the presence of Tom would annoy Tord. But in reality, it was quite the opposite.

Tom would actually always be the one to pick a fight with Tord. It was never the other way around. Whenever Tom wasn't being a total jerk, his presence comforted Tord.

But that's not why Tord needed him.

In fact, that thought never even crossed the Norski's mind. The reason why Tord wanted- no. Needed Tom, was because of his agility and his skills in the army.

Back when the four of them went to the army for fun, Tord noticed how exceptionally good Tom was at the subject. No matter what they'd do, Tom was always the one to come out on top. Well, now that Tord has had lots of more training and experience, he's better than Tom at combat. But Tord couldn't help but notice how naturally good Tom was. He needed Tom in his army. He needed to use Tom. Tom would be the answer to his problems.

A few days later, the infiltration on England had begun. Once Tom was informed of this infiltration, he alerted everyone about it and sent his soldiers to fight back. Edd, however, refused to help fight the Red Army and kept all his soldiers hidden from the outside world. Tom couldn't care less, though. This wasn't Edd's fight. It was his.

"Blue! Our comrades are really getting hurt out there! They're dying at an alarming rate, we have to do something!" Eliza exclaimed, frantically running towards her leader.

Tom bit his lip roughly and turned his head to look at his green-hooded friend. Edd raised an eyebrow, "I'm not helping. My soldiers are injured, do you really want more people to die?"

Tom frowned, not answering as he turned back to Eliza. "Go hide with Edd's soldiers. I'll try my best to find the Red Leader and kill him." He told her. Eliza only nodded in response and went to go hide with Edd's soldiers.

Tom grabbed his gun, but before he could run out, a sharp pain became present on the side of his head. The man in blue fell to the ground, having been knocked completely unconscious.

Edd, who was holding a gun in his hand, was the one who did it. He then reached for his earpiece, "Red Leader, I have Thomas unconscious by my feet. What should I do with him?"

"Ah, good work, Edd! Bring him outside, I'll be standing there with Pau and Pat. We'll bring him back to my base."

"And what about my army? You're going to leave them alone, right? A deal is a deal."

Tord paused for a moment, a wicked smirk spreading across his face. Even though Edd couldn't see it, he sensed it on the other's face.

"Oh, my poor Edward. You see, I said that I wouldn't physically harm any of your soldiers. I never said that I would leave them alone, now did I? Basically, your soldiers belong to me now and unless you want me to kill them, I'd suggest you willingly bring them to me. Now bring me Tom, I'll collect your soldiers tomorrow."

Edd clenched his fists, "You sick bastard!"

Tord chuckled, "As you said, a deal is a deal. Now hurry up. I'm not a patient man, you wouldn't want to keep me waiting." He said before turning off his earpiece without another word.

Edd frowned, feeling guilty as he looked down at Tom. "I'm sorry, Tom. I truly am. Please forgive me..." He mumbled, even though Tom couldn't hear him.

Edd brought Tom to the main entrance of the base where Tord was standing with Pat and Pau. Tord had a sadistic smile on his face as he looked down at Tom's limp body. "Excellent work, Edd! Don't forget, I'm dropping by tomorrow to collect your soldiers. I could really use the extra bunch." Tord told him, taking the sleeping Tom in his arms.

Edd looked down and nodded, "Yeah, whatever." He grumbled, not wanting to admit that he was completely defeated at this point.

Tord showed Edd his all too familiar sadistic smile. Edd watched as Tord told his soldiers to retreat, and they all hopped back into their helicopters and tanks. Before Tord entered his plane, he looked back at Edd and smiled at him once again. Edd scowled, watching with pity as Tom was taken away.

Next victim: Matt.

But Tord didn't want Matt. He only wanted Matt's soldiers. That's the only thing he wanted, soldiers. But Tom was different, and Edd didn't know why. Tord didn't want Tom's soldiers, he wanted Tom. Now that Tord knew the location of the Blue Army base, he would probably come back to collect the soldiers.

Edd continued to watch, a look of regret on his face as the plane took Tom away from his homeland.

There's nothing they could do about it now.

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