Evan, The Intruder

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Chapter 4

"Scar, Scar, Scar!" Evan poked me with a high pitched voice. Okay, that was so not like him. "What do you want Evan?" I asked. I turned around finding the boy holding out a maroon blazer, white button up shirt and black checkered skirt basically, a uniform.

"Don't tell me I have to wear that!" I wailed. "But you have to, it's compulsory!" Evan pointed out, waving the uniform up and down my face. "Just.. ughhh, whatever." I dragged myself back to my room with the uniform. I bounced onto my bed and rested my eyes.

And the next thing I knew was that I woke up at 4 in the morning. Well that's what you get when you sleep too early. Mondays. Oh so fabulous Mondays. I stood up and fell straight on my face to the ground. "Fucki-" My eyes caught sight of a bright pink calendar sitting under my bed. Words were scribbled on it, obviously with my fave yellow Sharpie and also written with my black pen.

I came closer to the calendar and saw the sentence that I dreaded to see. 'FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. GOOD LUCK! :D'. I could actually murder someone right now. Not only that, but because I was going through an emotional rollercoaster ride as I somehow knew how people would treat new comers like me. Well, I've been to 9 different schools and every single one of them were like the same. The people all acted like they were so cool and ignorant. I hate stuck-up bitches.

"Everything is so annoying, ughh." I groaned at the thought of meeting new people in school later on. I threw my towel over my shoulder and looked at the curtains to see if it's closed. I always have to get the curtains closed before I sleep because I hate it when the sunlight shines over me every morning. It just blinds my eyes. Edward Cullen much?

After showering, I blow dried my brown hair and did all the necessary what nots. I tied it into a top messy bun and grabbed my bag. I looked into the full-length mirror and just stared at myself. Holy crap, I look like a total nerd. How does one look good in a uniform like this? I decided to let go my hair. Thank God that I'm blessed with long shiny brown hair that is around my elbows. I started searching for my cutest pair of shoes. I grabbed my yellow plimsolls and ran downstairs. Along the way, I saw my reflection and gasped. Wait, hold up.. Who the hell wears yellow shoes with a crappy dull looking uniform like this. I quickly put on my black Vans instead.

'Scar!! What is taking you so long? You know that you don't have to try to impress the boys in the school since you're already one freaking hottie!!!' shouted Evan from downstairs. Me? A hottie? Yeah right. He must be joking. I walked up to him and said, 'Evan, I am not a single bit flattered by what you just said okay. Just back off and send me to school.' 'Well... if I wasn't your cousin, I would probably try to date you. You're just different from a lot of girls I've met,' he said while looking on the floor. That was weird, I thought I saw a slight blush on his cheeks. I told him that I wanted to see who could race out of the house first. I didnt have the mood to run but i did it anyways, so that i could avoid any more awkward situations.

In the train, I sat beside Evan. It was so awkward, more awkward than meeting my ex-teacher who was then called a pedophile by some of my old school mates. Evan even tried to help me carry my school bag but duh, I said no. Why the hell is he making things a billion times more awkward? See, this is probably why he still doesn't have a girlfriend. The train ride was so long and we still had a long way to go so I took out my headphones, blasted the song 'Dark Paradise' and begin to doze off.

Some time later in the train...

I felt someone tickling me. Ugh, I was too tired to open my eyes. Evan should know that I absolutely have no reactions when it comes to tickling. I decided to ignore it but he wouldn't stop. Okay, he totally deserves a punch in the face right now. I opened my eyes and when I was about to punch him, I found him peacefully sleeping. Wait what? Have I been dreaming? If it wasn't him, then who was it? A ghost? The thought of that scared me. 'Hi.' I almost jumped out of my sit. I turned to my right and faced a really good looking boy. He had straight but messy hair and hazel eyes that were so golden. He was even wearing a beanie. I just have a thing with boys wearing beanies. He was also wearing a uniform that somehow looked like mine. I looked down and found that he was wearing a pair of black Vans too. Damn, he's so mighty fine. WAIT, AM I ACTUALLY CHECKING OUT ON A STRANGER WHO HAD JUST TICKLED ME? WASN'T I SUPPOSED TO LIKE, PUNCH HIM?

"Like what you see?" he asked, smirking. I just gasped. This guy is probably the type where girls would try to beg on their knees to go out with. Well that also meant that he is probably a jerk too. "I'm Jai. Jai Brooks. You must be new here cause.. I haven't seen you around. So, what's your name?" Errr, what's my name again? His voice and looks, just distracted me from hearing whatever he was saying. "Scar-Scar-Scarlett. Scarlett Brooks," I said smiling. Wait, what the fuck! Did I just say that? Scarlett BROOKS? Really? Oh crap. Way to go, Scar. "Scarlett King, I meant" I said while trying to look as cool as possible even though I knew that I already looked stupid. He just acted normal and started talking about his life. I realised that he was Beau's brother. What a small world. Who knew that Beau has such a HOT brother.

Suddenly, we were interrupted by Evan. Why would he do this to me? Seriously, I was having a really nice time with Jai and he just had to interfere. Evan is so gonna get it from me. He stood up, grabbed my left arm and told me that it was our stop. I tried to stop him but he was way stronger tha me. I only managed to mouth 'sorry' to Jai but he wasn't even looking at me. He was looking at Evan. Well, it didn't look like he was just looking at him. He looked like he was gonna kill Evan with his eyes. Okay.. well it seems like they're having some kind of glaring competition. Oh God, since when are boys so dramatic? "Hey, guys. Just drop it okay. C'mon Evan, let's go--and um, bye Jai" I half-smiled and grabbed Evan's hand as I walked out. As I walked out, I thought that I felt Jai's presence behind me. Oh right, this is his stop too.

Grabbing his hand? Yeah, huge mistake! Jai probably thinks that I'm with Evan now. Ugh, screw this. "Hey, what was that for? Why did you stop our fight? Why are you being this way?"Evan asked as he massaged his hand where I last grabbed it. It must have hurt. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Why? Yeah well, first of all, you interrupted my talk with my first new friend, second of all, you grabbed my arm.. What are you? My boyfriend? Stop being so overprotective. Third of all, you were embarrassing me! People were watching us! And yeah, last of all, um well, let my just say this... ARE YOU SERIOUSLY GONNA PICK UP A FIGHT IN A TRAIN? A freaking train? Are you that dumb?" I stared at him, also shocked at myself as it was my first time talking this way to Evan. He just gave me a blank stare. He was hesitating to say something but he just kept quiet.

We silently walked to school. It was a little awkward but I tried not to think about it and started listening to some of Lana Del Ray's songs. Her voice just soothes me.

Outside the school gate..

"Okay, go and find your schedule now. You're on your own. Good luck. Well then, I'm going to see my friends. Have fun. See you after school... if I have time," Evan said and turned his back on me. What a bastard! Evan's just being evil Evan. I wanted to call him back but too late, I saw a curvy petite girl wrapping her arms around his waist. He looked so damn uncomfortable. Haha, well that's what he gets for leaving me.

I looked up and took a quick glance at my new school. Well, it looks pretty impressive to me. It's the tallest school I have ever seen. Very castle-like too. There's a huge fountain in the middle of the school. Black vintage lamp posts at every corner, a huge pond filled with all kind of fishes and those really huge trees that looked like it just came out from the movie, 'Twilight'. The dull coloured cracked walls and dark sparkly grey granite floor made the school look really old but grandeur at the same time. Somehow, it just looks like Hogwarts except that Hogwarts do not have whores and jerks.

I sighed and dragged myself into the school. Well, here it goes.. I am prepared to face all the ugly stares from people. I am so used to that but this time, I am just going to walk with my head held high like I always do. I am gonna make sure that i do not make any eye contact with anyone and ignore them. I'm not here to make or be friends with anyone. I am just here to complete high school and get my butt out of this stupid shithole. Stay cool, Scarlett. Don't let them get you. Well at least, not again.


So hey, I'm back, like after so long. It's 1AM right now and I'm really tired. I started on this chapter like at 8pm just now and I didn't really know what to write. I'm sorry. I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter. I really need some ideas. Please tell me some! Oh yeah, there may be some spelling or grammar mistakes here and there and I really sorry. I'm still learning how to write well..

Please don't be a silent reader. It won't hurt to like, comment or be a fan of my story.

P/S: I almost wanted to delete this story cause it have been onhold for too long but apparently someone wants me to continue it.

Whoops and sorry, there's no Beau, Luke, James and Skip in this chapter. Well probably in the upcoming chapter. Get ready guys!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2012 ⏰

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