Chapter 31

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Jungkook POV

I can hardly think straight as the paper slips from my hand. I can hardly believe it. I don't want to believe it. I don't want to accept the reality that he's gone. And the last thing that happened between us was the fight.

Without even thinking, I run straight back through the two open doors to my room. Picking up my phone off the side table, I flop onto my bed and quickly dial up Dongwoo's number. It takes him a minute to answer, nearly missing the call completely considering it's early.

"Master Jeon? Is everything alright?" Dongwoo answers, his voice a bit scratchy as I probably woke him up.

"Dongwoo, I need your help. I need you to get the guards, whoever the fuck you wanna get. Jimin's gone. They took Jimin. Please, we have to find him." I cry out almost instantly, already feeling the tears streaming down my cheeks. I place my free hand over my mouth in attempt to quiet myself and hold back the sobs.

"Wait, what? Master Jeon, who took Master Jimin? Who's they?" Dongwoo questions, sounding much more awake this time.

"He-the man from the meeting. Mingyu was a competitor of his old boss. He was worried just yesterday that his boss would find out and come for him. Please, we have to find him. He's probably hurt and scared. We have to find him and get him out of there. Please, Dongwoo, you have to help me." I whimper desperately.

"Okay, Master Jeon. I need you to calm down. We have to talk this out so that I can gather as much information as possible so that we can do our best to find him. Do you know who his boss was or where he worked?" Dongwoo asks calmly. I take a few deep breaths, pinching the bridge of my nose in attempt to calm down.

"I don't know the name of his boss. All I know is that he worked at the club you picked us up in front of when we first took him in. He wasn't like a regular worker though. The man that runs that place practically forces them. Doesn't give them an option and hurts them if they fuck up or something." I explain, whimpering quietly at the end.

"Alright, Master Jeon. I'll rally a few guards and we'll go take a look into things there. Okay? For the time being though, you need to stay home and tend to your lessons and work. I'll call you the moment I've got something for you." Dongwoo informs me. I groan, not wanting to give in but reluctantly end up agreeing.

Hanging up the call with him, I don't even bother getting dressed properly in a suit or anything. I just pull on a pair of dark washed jeans and a black tee shirt, some of the very few casual clothes I own before heading out of my room. Begrudgingly, I end up going through my morning routine of going to the dining room and having breakfast alone this time before going off to my lessons. I barely ended up eating anything, but wasn't even early to my lessons somehow.

Even as I sit through the lessons though, things that are normally easy become a major task, something much more difficult than the average day. I guess it's not much of a surprise, with Jimin missing, he's all I can seem to think about. Wondering where the hell he could be. Wondering if he's okay. Wondering if he's still mad at me. If he's still hurting because of me. It just breaks my heart that much more, knowing the last time I'd spoken to him had been when he was still so upset with me.

It just doesn't make sense to me though. I don't understand how anyone could've broken in here without having been caught when we have guards surrounding our premises. I don't get how they could've come in and gotten him from right across the hall without even so much as a trace save for the note they'd left. It drives me insane that they were able to so easily just slip through the cracks like that and not have been caught by someone.

"Master Jeon?" Ms. Lim questions, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I murmur, head snapping up tiredly to look at the woman.

"Is everything alright, Master Jeon? You seem a bit out of it today. You're struggling on things that are easy for you." She asks hesitantly. I huff, shoving my chair back and away from the table, standing. Muttering a quiet 'no' in response, I step away from my chair and don't even bother pushing it back into place as I make my way to the door. However, I freeze in place when I look around the living room, my blood growing cold at the sight.

Laying there on the coffee table between our two sofas, is my mother's body. Bloodied and bruised, it feels like all of the oxygen in my body has been swept out, but the sight of a picture laying atop her forehead scares me even more. Stiff and jerky, I reluctantly make my way over to where the body's laid, bringing a hand up to cover my mouth in attempt to keep from screaming or crying. Now's hardly the time. However, my legs give out from under me as my eyes land on the picture.

Jimin. Bound by ropes to a metal chair, he's bruised and bloodied as well, but very much alive and awake. Hair scattered in different directions atop his head, cuts and bruises all over his arms, neck, and face. There's a noticeable redness around his mouth and lower cheeks where they probably had some sort of tape to keep him quiet. There's a rope wrapped around his neck too, that appears to be tied to the back of the chair he's tied to in order to keep his head up. In the picture, he's staring right at the camera, a compliant and nearly bored expression on his face. The most heartbreaking part of it all is the dullness in his eyes, expressing just how tired and exhausted he feels.

I don't know how I even manage to pick up my cell the moment it rings with how deadweight my entire body feels.

"We have to hurry. They've already killed my mother, Dongwoo. They've got him and he's hurt bad." I hardly manage to breathe out, eyes not moving from what's in front of me.

"I'll call your father in regards to your mother, Master Jeon. I have news on Jimin though. We've found where they're keeping him. You should come to the club immediately, I'll send a driver for you. But it doesn't sound like they plan to kill Master Jimin, Master Jeon. They plan to break him so that he doesn't leave again."

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