Chapter Two: Flight Tricks & Royal Pricks

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The reason Virgil was so good with dragons was because of his fears. He could trust them; he knew they wouldn't let him fall; that trust led to a bond between himself and the dragon that was extremely tough to break. He kept this in mind as they flew up into the night sky, beginning to raise high enough from the ground to be severely injured or killed. Dath let out a roar that sounded down Harley and Brian below.

He noticed that he was too far away for him to be able to hear his friends. Pulling Dath into an upward spiral, he flipped around, plummeting toward the ground. Slowing as he came closer, the darkly dressed stable boy eased the dragon into a hover near to where his fellow stable hands stood watching.

"Alright! What do ya' wanna see?" he called to them from on top of the Gealwing.

Harley spoke first, clearly excited as he clapped his hands together. "Show us how fast you can go!"

"Okay, but keep a close eye on the patterns. It'll help you keep track of us," he replied. "Gealwings are some of the fastest dragons in the dragon kingdom, so it might be hard to keep up with us."

Dath's patterns were glowing brightly as Virgil pulled him into an upward angle to fly high into the air once more. With a pump of the dragon's leathery wings, they shot upward into the clouds, before twisting into a nose dive. The wind whipped at his bangs and made his eyes water as they plummeted toward the ground. As it grew closer, he pulled Dath into a banked turn, and the two of them shot pass Harley and Brian. As they passed, he could hear them cheering.

Virgil pulled on the reins to direct the dragon toward palace to fly around the towers for affect. He noticed someone on a balcony watching him as he flew closer to it. Probably one of the snobby royal pricks, he thought. There's no reason for him to be watching me, but you know what? I'll give him a damn show.

Though he didn't care what they thought of him, he wanted to show off a little. The darkly dressed stable boy leaned forward, whispering to Dath as he pulled him into a corkscrew. They spiraled, pulling up into a loop. However, instead of a full loop, Virgil gripped the saddle between his thighs as they flew inverted back toward the other two. They completed the loop to hover normally in front of them as he smirked, getting an idea.

"You guys wanna see something cool?" he asked. Both nodded vigorously, their jaws slightly hanging open, Harley's a little more than Brian. He smirked, directing Dath into a vertical incline. Getting higher than the tallest tower of the palace, he stopped the dragon to a hover. Taking a breath, he looked down and leaned forward to murmur in the dragon's ear. "You gotta catch me. I can trust you, right boy?"

Dath snorted in a sort of 'yes' gesture as he rolled his body impatiently; it wasn't just humans that enjoyed flying fast. Virgil stood up on the saddle, his breathing heavy as he calmed his nerves. Taking a deep breath in, feeling his lungs fill with the night air as he leapt from the dragon's back.

From the balcony of the palace, the young Prince Roman had been watching the events of the evening. He watched with an awed expression at the amount of control and confidence the new boy had while riding his dragon, but now he watched with a horrified expression as he fell toward the earth from a lethal height face first. His grip on the railing was tight as he watched the dragon flip into a nose dive, following him closely. As they neared the ground, the boy flipped him self upright, timing it perfectly was the Gealwing flew under him.

Roman let out a long breath that he'd been holding. He'd never been so scared for someone else before. He'd heard that the new stable hand was very experienced with dragons, but to trust that beast to catch him with such risk boggled his mind. To be fair, he was used to riding horses, which never put him in any mortal danger.

Virgil landed Dath, his friends running over to him as he slid off of the saddle. "That was sick!" Harley yelled happily as he smiled. "You're so good at flying dragons! What the heck! I'd never be able to jump off a dragon like that!"

"It was quite an impressive display," Brian added, looking at him with slight adoration.

The darkly dressed stable boy shrugged, feeling a bashful blush rise to his cheeks. "It's simple really," he said. "If the dragon is loyal and you have his trust, he'll be there for you." He stroked Dath's snout, earning an appreciative huff from the beast.

As they talked, Virgil stole glances at the balcony where the prince had been. He was still there, watching them. He tried to ignore it, but as he was telling the two of them about flying inverted, Harley noticed the prince.

"Hey, look. We got a spectator," he said curiously.

"What does that royal prick want?" Virgil said, his annoyance sinking into his words as he recalled him watching his earlier displays as well.

"Don't know," Brian said with a slight shrug. "I guess he's just watching us."

"Well, maybe he should mind his own business and go polish his crown or something," the darkly dressed stable boy spat, taking Dath's reins and leading the dragon toward the stables with a hurry to his steps.

He heard the others following him. "Hey Virge," the light brown haired stable hand started. "Why are you all pissed off? He was just watching you fly, anyone would find what you did impressive."

Virgil sighed, not wanting to answer. "I've never liked the royalty in these parts," he mumbled reluctantly. "Where I come from, they were benevolent and kind, they genuinely cared for their subjects, and they went out of their way to bring prosperity and peace to anyone suffering in their kingdom. Here, they're stuck up, rich, pompous, bastards who get to live in the lap of luxury because they have some last name that's apparently super important, and they let their subjects suffer while they buy more jewelry..."

The other two nodded with sighs of slight agreement. "I'm just glad I haven't met the prince yet," he grumbled eventually after a long silence. "I'm sure he's just as bad as the rest."

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