Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Ball

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Roman adjusted his suit in front of his full length mirror. His hair was styled to perfection and in it sat his crown. The gold metal and scarlet rubies glistened in the light of his suite. His suit was a pristine white with gold accents embroidered in sun-like designs in an homage to his kingdom's name. A luxurious red cape hung from his shoulders and the sun design made another appearance, spreading from the bottom and outward. He looked like a king, but still felt like a nervous prince on the inside.

He knew that Virgil had already agreed to accompany him to the ball, but he still felt nervous. Roman knew that the stable boy didn't like crowds and that he was likely to still be sore from his wounds. There were plenty of ways he could screw this up. 

With a sigh, he took one more look at himself. He was as ready as he'd ever be. He needed to head downstairs and meet Virgil.

The stable boy hadn't left his room yet. He was pacing back and forth in his room, trying desperately not to have a panic attack. He'd been to a ball before during the races. He didn't like them, mostly because Roman always had to go dance and talk to other people. Now that he'd become king, he was sure it would be even worse.

Don't be stupid, he told you he wouldn't leave your side, Virgil reminded himself. Just breathe, you'll be okay. He'll be right there.

He paused as he sighed heavily. His reflection caught his eye, making him look up. Virgil had to admit that he looked fairly attractive in the suit he'd been provided. It was black, of course, courtesy of Roman. To his knowledge, the gold accents matched the king's. His bangs were still hanging in front of his eyes. 

You should brush them back, he likes your eyes, he thought. A tiny smile found its way onto his face as he recalled Roman's many compliments. Maybe he'll brush them out of the way for you while you're dancing together..

Virgil heart swelled a little as his grin widened. He was still nervous about the crowds of people he'd have to face, but the thought of dancing with the king made it worth it. Over the last couple weeks, he'd been doing his best to rest up and exercise without pushing himself too far. Sometimes he still felt horrible, but most of the time, he was okay; he'd also been practicing his dancing. 

He smoothed his suit and took a deep breath. He was ready.

The two young men made their ways through the different hallways of the castle. They had agreed to meet each other just outside the entrance of the ballroom. The king would be expected to enter with his plus one and come down to the party from the staircase, that way it would be a spectacle.

Roman hurried through the corridors, his heart racing against his rib cage. He couldn't wait to see the stable boy in his suit. Virgil felt the same way, walking with a purpose towards their meeting point. 

They each turned a corner and saw each other at the end of the hall. Grins spread across their faces as they hurried toward each other. They met in the middle in front of the double doors that led to the ballroom. Roman looked him up and down in awe. He looked breathtaking. Virgil was also star struck by the king's appearance. Sure, he'd seen him in royal apparel, but his new look at the king made his cheeks flush.

"You look-"

"You're beautiful-"

They both stopped, grinning a little with rosy cheeks as they realized what they did. Roman cleared his throat, recovering first. "You look absolutely stunning, Virgil," he said sincerely. He reached for his hand and brought it to his lips. "I'm honored to be attending my first ball as king with you."

"You look amazing too, Princey- I mean-" he laughed, earning a smile from the royal. "I guess I can't really call you that anymore. It'll have to be your Majesty."

Roman hummed and pulled him closer. He met his eyes. "What about just Roman?" The stable boy flushed and looked away. He was biting his lip to try and keep from grinning too much. The king chuckled and leaned back. "Come, we're expected to make a grand entrance."

"You always have to be dramatic," Virgil said, joining him in front of the doors. 

"Well, it's my specialty," Roman agreed.

The doors opened and they walked hand-in-hand down the staircase to the ballroom floor. The crowd clapped for them as they did so, making Virgil's heart warm a little. They weren't being shunned, and people weren't mad at him. If anything, they were thrilled to see him alive and well after the events of the race. He smiled as he walked beside the king.

They took to the dance floor, lacing their fingers together. The music shifted into a slower song. Couples joined the floor as they began to slow dance. Virgil relaxed a little once the attention had shifted.

"So, we're finally dancing for real," the king said. The stable boy smiled and nodded, leaning his head against his shoulder. Roman grinned and held him closer as they continued to dance and sway across the floor. "Are we ever going to talk about how ridiculous this whole situation is? I mean, did you know from the beginning I was attracted to you? Because you keep ending up shirtless around me."

Virgil laughed against him and shook his head. "That was coincidence, but I'm not really complaining if it helped you become more interested in me."

"I've always found you intriguing," Roman admitted. "You seemed so bitter and yet nervous, and your connection to dragons is so incredible... I still want to get to know more about you. I want to hear about your life before you came to Sun Glade. I want to know how you got your scars. I want to hear about all the different dragons you've encountered."

The stable boy pulled back and looked at him with glossy eyes. "I want to know you too," he said quietly. "And you make me feel less jaded and less broken. If you'll have me, I'm yours."

"If you want me, that's all that matters," the king said, pulling him into a tight embrace.

The End

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