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They both faded off into sleep and slowly moved towards each other during the night. The indent in the center of the bed also helped them stay huddled together.

Y/n's face was in Izuku's chest as his arms were wrapped around her tiny frame, pulling her close to his warm body. Their height difference was admirable and very cute.

They each had faint smiles on their faces as they slept peacefully.

~Current time~

The morning sunlight came through the thin lengthy windows on the wall opposing to the bed. Rays of light stretched across the room to hit Izuku Midoriya and Y/n L/n right in the faces. Y/n being a deep sleeper (If not your face is shielded by Izuku) was not affected by the sudden rays of light but Izuku was. He woke up and glared at the blinding sun, he then tried to lift up his hand to block the light from his face but realized that his arms were wrapped around Y/n. 

Izuku gasped but then shut his mouth trying not to awake Y/n. I can feel a bit of her stomach... Her shirt must be ridding up because I know that I am NOT that touchy. Izuku thought. Wait, I just thought that didn't I... Izuku's face burst into red and he turned his head away. He turned his head back and smiled, She's really cute though.

Y/n stirred and opened her eyes. She blinked a few times before realizing that she wasn't dreaming about seeing a boy's bare chest in front of her. "W-what?" Y/n said tiredly. 

"Good morning" Izuku softly said, running his fingers through Y/n's hair. "We've got to find a place to live today."

"Yeah." Y/n replied yawning. She sat up along with Izuku and sat criss-cross looking at him. Izuku sat with his legs criss-cross too and their knees touched. (This is getting steamy) "Where are we going to get the money?" 

"I'm not sure, but we can't stay here forever. I think Kacchan would go crazy." Izuku laughed. 

"We'll find a way. We're going to be okay." Y/n smiled. Y/n got up off of the bed and got her newly cleaned clothes off of the desk chair. "We're going to have to thank the Bakugou's for letting us stay here last night." 

"Yeah, are you going to change in here?" Izuku asked, looking back and forth between the clothes in her arms and her face. 

"No, I'm going to go to the bathroom. I need to wash my face too." Y/n replied throwing her clothes over her shoulder.

"Alright, I'll be changing in here," Izuku replied now getting off of the bed. 

Y/n left the room and headed over to the bathroom, catching Katsuki leaving it. "Morning." Y/n mumbled.

"What's up with you?" Katsuki questioned, wiping the excess toothpaste off of the corner of his mouth with his arm. 

"Tired." Y/n yawned back. She scratched her head and tried to continue into the bathroom. Katsuki grabbed her arm and turned her around to face him. 

"You literally slept for twelve hours, how are you even tired?" He glared. 

"You of all people should know I need at least like twenty-four hours of sleep to be completely rested..." Y/n mumbled back, softly shrugging off his arm. 

DISCONTINUED- Perfect || Izuku Midoriya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now