☆Conflict 4☆ What is love?

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(N/n): nick name

Her Dream

"Mommy" A young girl around 5 said, "mommy where are you? It's dark in here.."

The girl stood there looking around for her mother. She looked scared to death almost as if she seen death up and close.

The (e/c)-eyed girl continued looking around the dark room hoping to see her mother. She thought as long as I know she's here somewhere I should be able to face the darkness right?

She knew that she would be scared either way but she was determined to find her mother.

However fate did not like her plan.

The young girl saw her mother on the floor with a pool of blood beneath her. She was confused.

I mean didn't her father hit her mother? Or did she imagine it all? She had questions yet so little answers as no one else was in the room at the time.

Poor little (y/n) she only wanted to see her mom even if she hit her. I mean she loved her. She knew her mom was in pain yet there she was.. lying on the floor surrounded in blood.. no one else in the room.. bloody trophy in her hand.. wait.. A TROPHY?!

She quickly threw the bloody trophy as fast as she could with her little arms. It was then she saw the blood on her hands. She panicked she didn't know what to do.. she was only 5.. how could she know what to do..


Her heart dropped.

She suddenly heard a voice. (y/n) looked around frantically as to where the voice came from she didn't know.

"Hello! Is someone in there?!"

There it was again. That's it! She could ask them for help.

As she walked to the door about to turn the doorknob she thought, 'wait wouldn't they think it's weird if they saw mommy covered in blood

"If someone's in there please say something! I smell blood and that ain't a good sign!"

It was as if someone was controlling her. As she watched her own hands.. her own body pick the trophy off the ground and hit the lady with the pointy end as soon as she opened the door.

End of dream

(Y/n) jolted up awake sweating as she looked around. She sighed in relief when she saw she was she was in a hospital and not at home. Wait- a hospital?!

'When and how did I get here?' As if her question was answered she felt a hand on hers. She looked down to find Ema holding her hand asleep. (Y/n) smiled at that. When she tried to get up Ema woke up surprised.

Ema looked at (y/n) to see her awake. "(Y/n) you're awake! Are you hurt? Are you hungry or thirsty?-" "Ema I'm okay I just wanna know how I got here."

"Ah alright well you fainted after your performance. Is what I heard from quartet night anyway. Oh and Haruka wanted to write a song about love with you"

Haruka? Oh yeah she's Starish's composer. Hm what's love? Is love what mother said it was, pleasure and pain? Is it what father said it was, eternal sleep by the hands of your loved one? Or is it what Itsuki said, sweet yet sometimes sour. Brings happiness yet sadness in ways you cannot imagine?

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