Chapter 6: Brooke's Return

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A day later outside of Spencer's house, Brooke was seen arriving as Kelly dropped her off because Brooke asked if she could meet with Abby and Spencer for lunch at Spencer's house and they agreed, then Brooke approached the door and knocked, then the door opened and Spencer answered, then after Brooke came in, he closed the door and went to the dining room as Vivi was with Melissa, Maddie and Mackenzie.

"So..." Abby and Spencer both said.

"I'm just wondering even though it's not that easy, if i could come back to dance?" Brooke asked.

"Brooke, like you just said, it's not that easy." Spencer told her.

"You stabbed everybody in the back and slapped us in the face." Abby added.

"I'll admit, i shouldn't have done that and instead spoke up and informed you in advance." Brooke admitted. "I just wanted to try it out, to be sure that dance is what i wanted to do."

"Ok, we'll give you that one." Abby said.

"But what our problem was that you didn' t speak out and informed us in advance, you told Vivi and she was gonna inform us, but your mother told us before she could." Spencer told her.

"I let a lot of people down and i admit that too." Brooke stated.

"You did, but had you spoken up and let us know, we would have been mad, but it would have been the right thing to do. You let a lot of people down, you let my son down and you let my daughter down as well." Abby said. "Another one of our biggest disappointments was you just didn't want to dance, you have a talent that you were born with and we don't want you to throw it away. I told Spencer that he had a talent that he was born with when he was little and he worked hard to keep that talent."

"Brooke, you have a lot to offer for this team and you've got to really prove yourself." Spencer commented, then he, Abby and Brooke held their glass cups "Cheers."

"Cheers." Brooke stated as the three clinked their glass cups together and finished their lunch, happy they came to a solution, then the nexr day, everybody was at the studio for a new week.

"Before we get started, we'd like to officially welcome Kendall, she is now a member of the Abby Lee Dance Company." Abby stated as she gave Kendall her ALDC tracksuit, a shortsleeved zip up jacket with her name on the right of the jacket and the ALDC logo on the left, and pants as Kendall had a huge grin on her face and Jill had the same grin.

"Kendall, remember this though, that tracksuit means you have to work real hard." Spencer informed her, then he turned to Jill. "When you're wearing the ALDC jacket, she has to have her shoulders down and not slouching."

"Now we've gotten that out of the way, we'll be attending Starbound in Long Island, New York which is home of the NHL's New York Islanders and they will be ready for us, we're the defending champions and they want to beat the Abby Lee Dance Company, they can smell the blood and are like sharks in the water and our dances will be holiday themed, but before we get to dancing assigments, let's start with pyramid." Abby stated,

Then the first photo on the pyramid Spencer unveiled was a photo of Mackenzie. "Mackenzie, you did well with your solo, but you have to do even better this time."

Abby revealed the next photo. "Nia, like we've said before, you need tuning with the technique."

"Next..." Spencer said as she unveiled the next photo. "Paige, you didn't have a solo, you weren't in a duet or trio, so that means that there wasn't a lot to judge you on."

Abby then unvieled the far left photo of Kendall. "Kendall, you're off probation and you're a member of the team, but however, your feet, back of your knees and the turnout neet a lot of tuning like my son would always say."

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