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"Can anyone explain to me what the hell happened."

Everyone looks up to find their captain marching through the hospital corridor, his expression twisted in an uncharacteristic display of anger. Jackson and Hongbin glance at each other nervously before focusing on Yoongi expectantly.

"...Jeon was kidnapped," Yoongi begins, not knowing how else to go about it without taking his usual blatant approach to relaying information. The truth is, he's not entirely sure what happened.

Yoongi, the whole day, had felt agitated by the short series of texts sent by his partner. He tried to tell himself that maybe Jungkook really was sick and that he was probably too tired to send one of his biting remarks back to Jackson and Sungjae who had made fun of his sick state. Yet, the unsettling sensation refused to leave him, and by the time he was finished with his shift, he couldn't ignore it anymore.

Normally, he'd just go back home to Hoseok and forget about it, but his boyfriend was in a different country and Jungkook's strange absence was bothering him to the point where he knew nothing would effectively distract him from it, so he gave into his gut feeling and decided to pay the man a visit. 

He was just about to knock when he heard a series of dull thuds coming from the apartment, and the sound immediately pushed Yoongi into his police mode. He remained still and leaned against the door, trying to pick up any more noise, and then came the shouting. The voice was foreign, but the words rang clear, and Yoongi immediately knew that foul play was involved.

More screaming, and Yoongi was punching in the numbers to his partner's apartment, his brain having already memorized everyone else's apartment numbers as a part of station's protocol. He pulled at the handle forcefully, not caring that he might break it off, and in a blink of an eye, he was charging into the apartment.

He saw the blade. His eyes immediately flew to Jimin on the floor and Jungkook tied on the bed. He didn't have to think. Everything simply clicked, and he lunged, tackling the perpetrator hard enough onto the floor to have his own breath be caught in his throat. He didn't waste a second twisting the man's arms back forcefully before handcuffing him, and once he was finished, he was met with Jimin staring at him with busted lips and Jungkook slurring his name.

He immediately Jackson for backup and an ambulance to take both Jimin and Jungkook. Yoongi, just from the way Jimin was swaying unstably and Jungkook was making physical efforts to speak in coherent sentences knew that drugs must be involved, and he refrained from asking any questions, because he knew better than to interrogate anyone while under the influence (even if the person in question was his own partner).

However, Jungkook continued to speak even as Yoongi untied him and as the ambulance took him to the nearest major hospital, and despite the slurring and truncated sentences, Min Yoongi heard enough to piece everything together.

He just had a very, very difficult time accepting any of it.

Once Yoongi is finished speaking, he finds everyone standing in stunned silence, and he waits patiently for everything to soak in.

"And none of you thought to tell me about Kim. Not a single one of you," Namjoon says lowly, his usually deep voice now carrying an edge of something even heavier. Everyone, except Yoongi, glances at each other guiltily.

"Cap...we all thought you knew everything," Jackson ventures carefully, and Namjoon shuts his eyes before inhaling slowly.

on patrol | vol. ii ✓Where stories live. Discover now