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"It's OK, we can study early tomorrow," Wonwoo says quietly, and Jimin is quick to turn around to stop the other from trying to return to the living room to retrieve his belongings.

"Wonwoo, no, you're staying. Jungkook, we're not having this conversation right now."

"Just tell me what the hell is happening then!" Jungkook barks out, no longer able to hold onto the thin thread of patience he's been clinging onto, especially with Jeon Wonwoo still lingering in his vision. A small voice in the back of his head is telling him to stop before it's too late. It's screaming at him to just take a step back and assess the situation, but right now, it all just sounds like muffled mess in his head.

"Nothing is happening!" Jimin hisses back, whipping his head back to throw his boyfriend a scathing look. "Not everything has to be happening. I just got a bruise from sparring, it happens!"

"Don't, Jimin. Don't lie to me. You can tell me that you need more time or that you're not ready, but do not lie to me," the taller man warns, his hands balled up into fists besides him.

"Jimin really got that bruise from sparring," Wonwoo cuts in and takes another small step back when Jungkook diverts his attention to him.

"You stay the hell out of this," the officer snarls lowly, ignoring the blaring alarm going off in his head.

"Don't take this out on Wonwoo!"

"Why is it always Wonwoo with you!"

"Are we really starting this again?"

"Fine, you don't want to tell me? Fine," Jungkook relents suddenly, putting both his hands up. Then without a word, he turns on his heels and leaves the apartment, because he doesn't think he can stay there without saying something he's going to regret later. Wonwoo hasn't done anything wrong, other than probably lie on behalf of his friend, but the sight of the man just...

For the first time in a while, Jungkook falls asleep alone in his apartment.


All the boys at the station, with the exception of the captain and Yoongi, who decides to spend as much time as possible with Hoseok before he's heading to Hong Kong next week, find themselves at the same British-style pub, getting comfortably drunk on import beer.

"Hey man, you alright? You've been quiet lately, and it's starting to freak everyone out," Sungjae says after a long swig of his drink.

"....Yeah, I'm good," Jungkook answers lowly, unable to mask the actual hurt and frustration which decided to plague his entire system since leaving Jimin's apartment. Jimin had called him afterwards stating that he simply can't deal with everything right now and that they will have a talk once the exams are over. Jungkook agrees, needing some time on his own as well. As much as he hates the direction his relationship with Jimin has taken within the past couple of weeks, he knows that some time away may be the only thing preventing him from losing Jimin.

And he can't let that happen. He loves Jimin. He's caught himself daydreaming about their future together on too many occasions to blow this because he can't get a hold of his own emotions.

Frankly, he's starting to feel a bit desperate, and that's starting to freak him out a little bit, and damn he hates life right now.

on patrol | vol. ii ✓Where stories live. Discover now