Chapter Three

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The Queen just sat in front of you. Staring. You tried to absolutely avoid eye-contact at all costs, but it was more easier said then done. "So were are we going," You ask. "We are going to my castle. You'll meet some of my friends." You are shocked! You need to go home! And find out where the hell you are!
"What is this place called?" The Queen
Smiled, "This is the Enchanted Kingdom." She said.
"Not to crash this "party," but I need to go home.." You start to say. The Queen lets out a thunderous laugh. "Home? This is your home now. Your staying with me." She said.
The carriage stops. The Queen gets out of the carriage first. She approaches the left door of the carriage, and you jump out of the right door! You start sprinting into the woods. Then, out of nowhere, a cloud of purple smoke appears in front of you. A woman with black horns stands in front of you. "Going somewhere, babe?" She asks. She waves her hand over you and you fall into her arms. Before you close your eyes she says to you calmly, "I think I'm going to like you." She smiles.

You flutter your eyes open. Your laying down on a couch, being stared at by 4 women. One of them has tentacles, and smells of the ocean, the second one was The Queen, the third one had half white hair, and half black hair, and had two dogs sitting beside her. Dalmatians to be exact. The fourth one was the one with the horns. You got an uneasy feeling from her. "You are a charming sleeper," said the one with the horns. You jolt up. You can feel your face drain it's color. "Who are you..?" You ask, looking at the three unfamiliar named people. "I'm Maleficent," said the one with the horns. "I'm sorry, but that's a name of a villain from an old Disney Movie!" You cry. Now that you think about her appearance, she seems similar. "So that's why I fell asleep!" You thought out-loud. She smiles. "Hello darling, I'm Cruella De'Vil." Said the one with the black and white hair. And the one with the tentacles said, "I'm Ursula." She stares at you, and you can't help but feel uneasy. "I'm going to pass out.." You say. The villains laugh. "Please do! You look so innocent, and so peaceful while you sleep!" Cried Maleficent. The girls all shared a nice chuckle. "You never told me WHAT THE HELL I'm doing here!" You shout. "Well darling, you are the long lost princess." Cruella said. "The one who will fix all of our problems." Ursula added. "The one who is the most fair out of us all." The Queen added. "The one who is the most powerful in this realm." Maleficent started.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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