At gym..

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umair malik's pov;

one morning i was at gym listening to the music and jogging at a running machine, i was peaceful untill and unless i saw the beautiful girl with wearing black sweat pant and a black tank top, with a tight pony tail, her hair colour was my favourite chocolate brown long a bit wavy, she was soooo beautiful atleast in my eyes she was, i was checking her out when she came to me with a sweet smile and said hey? have you done checking me out mr??,

i was so embarrased but then was settled in a second, umm no actually a bit left and then i winked ,smiled showing dimples, ha ha! she laughed tauntingly, and said okay good joke, well i said why are you here at boys gym? to look my machines are they fine or something need to be fix, she said, ohhh so its your gym? i asked, no its my father's gym and i am here her kind of assistant actually ,every sunday i come her to take a good look of machines, and fix the issues... ohhh i see nice to meet u, and now i think i have to do gym every sunday i winked again and smiled, she smiled to knowing the hidden meaning of my sentence..

you are most welcome and she smiled and gone..

she was not only pretty but also very graceful, then after that we meet every sunday she told me her name was sophia monteiro and her father was also a business man, who invest in gym's, his father was also doing some business of used machinary items,

so she was a rich girl but i don't care either she is rich or poor, the thing i care was her way of talking and her beauty and yah also her thinking, she was not only beautiful from outside but also very beautiful from inside... and the inner beauty matters...

she was 21 years old and i was 24, i was not in any kind of relationship before, but i guess now the time has came i should think about it.. I thought and smiled to myself.

because they says; "love is important for life".

we meet daily on every sundays and enjoying, having fun in each others company... i was getting so attached to her that i share every single thing to her, even our business profits and loss, my happiness and sorrows, like i wanted to be with her, she could be the best wife for me i thought,

once i asked her you don't tell me much about yourself, so she said okay you can ask whatever you want to although you are my good freind now we have been together above 6 months and i guess yeah i am not sharing much actually i like to listen to you she winked and i smiled instantly showing my dimples... so i wanted to ask thattt, uhh i mean i will go straight okay?, she hesitated but said yah okay go ahead, umm okay i said, so have you being in any kind of relationship like you know i like you and i was thinking about you from past four months and you are wait wait wait! she stops me, so i got confused and asked what happen you don't like me?, she immediately said no no, its not like that ,i like you infact you are a good person but, but what?? i said impatiently and there we go her phone rang shit i cursed, she took her phone out and pressed an answer button sorry i have to take this call this is important, please, okay! i said getting pissed off!.

why the hell this phone has to be ring right noww!!!!... bad luck!.

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