Chapter 3

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Apollon's POV

Two meals a day, that was all we got now. The world's second apocalypse wouldn't come for another six months, but Raven had already begun to ration everything. I didn't know whether this should comfort me, or worry me.

Just as when food was rationed while Pike was chancellor, I gave Venus part of my rations. But, unlike last time, Raven at least had the heart to give Venus slightly larger rations than everyone else due to her condition. Still, I worried for her, even if I didn't have as much reason to be. Maybe I'd always worry for her, she was the love of my life, after all.

After their first conversation the other day since Allie was shut down, Venus and Skylar had been spending significantly more time around each other to the point I nearly had to tear the two apart to get a moment or two alone with Venus. But, despite my own feelings of wanting to spend more time with her, I knew there were many good outcomes from this. First of all, Venus having time with someone who she considered to be her best friend to the extent of naming her godmother of our baby without first consulting me about it – not that I would have disagreed – surely would help to keep her stress levels down, and perhaps keep her mind off of the approaching apocalypse. Secondly, with Skylar around, I might just get a chance to go out on missions which were getting fewer and fewer by the day.

I had just finished my share of the rations and Venus was still working on hers when the announcement played over the Ark's PA system: "We need some medical help at the front gate." At the announcement, I saw Venus straighten up and listen, then pause for a second before returning to her rations. I watched her chew in silence for a few seconds before I spoke.

"You know, if you want to go I'm sure Abby and Jackson would appreciate the help."

She looked over at me, sitting across the bed before shaking her head and smiling slightly, as if she was thinking of some distant memory. "It's just weird not responding to those calls anymore."

I nodded and watched her take another bite out of her rations, now close to finishing them. Although I understood why she had done it, I was slightly disappointed when she left medical. From what her patients said about her, and how Abby spoke about her, she had been doing well and was nearly done with her training. I knew Abby was ready to promote her to doctor before she left. Her decision to join the guard instead truly shocked me; I never pictured her as the type. And despite her intense desire to kill the Grounders, she was learning quickly. I thought for a second about asking if she'd return to the guard – or possibly medical – after the baby arrived, but I knew better than to bring up a day so close to when the radiation would arrive. She finally seemed to have forgotten about it, I didn't want to be the one to remind her.

Venus finished her rations and, just on schedule, a knock sounded at our door. I picked up the garbage from our rations and dropped them into our trash before leaning over Venus and whispering to her. "If I'm not careful Skylar might just steal you away from me." I leaned in to kiss her when the knock sounded for the second time on the door, this time more persistent and demanding. Sounds like someone's a little impatient this morning. I sighed and went to open the door.

It took me a second to realize that it was Bellamy and not Skylar who stood on the other side of the door, and a second more to process what this could mean. "You said you wanted dibs on the next mission. Let's go." He spoke quickly, and it didn't take much sense to figure out how much of a hurry he was in.

"Hold up, what's the mission?"

"I'll explain on the way."

I nodded and held up a finger signaling for him to give me a second. I turned around, still holding the door open, and spoke to Venus. "Will you be okay if I go? If you don't want me to, just say the word and-"

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