Chapter 12

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Venus's POV

Sleep came easily after the delivery. Apollon had taken Lena Vera from me, and I couldn't help but close my eyes and let my exhaustion overcome me. But, like all sleep, it didn't feel like it lasted long enough.

At first, I thought I was having a nightmare. The first thing I noticed was the shouting. It seemed to be coming from everything. As I opened my eyes, the bright lights of the infirmary blinded me so at first I couldn't see anything. Slowly, I began to make out Apollon above me, his lips moving but his voice lost amongst the shouts.

"Wake up!" I was barely able to hear him. "Venus c'mon, we have to go!" As I woke up more, he placed his hand behind my back, helping me to sit up.

"L-Lena Ver..." My body was slow to wake up.

"Don't worry. Jackson has her, he'll be right behind us." I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, wincing at the effort. Apollon wrapped his arm around my back, taking the majority of my weight as I stood up from the cot. "We have to go."

My legs felt as weak as rubber as we made our way out into the hallway. The shouting was louder out here, and as I became more aware of everything, I was able to make out just what the shouts were saying.

"Skaikru, you move!" Grounders. But, how? How did they get in here? The voice sounded so close behind us, I tried to walk faster to keep up with the crowd around us. Walking didn't feel right this soon after the delivery, and my legs gave out from under me, sending my body to the ground. "Move!" The Grounder voice came again.

Apollon quickly knelt down next to me, placing one arm around my back and the other under my knees. I knew what he was about to do. I laced my arms around his neck as he lifted me up off the ground. I looked back behind him as he hurried us through the halls. A group of Grounders had their threatening weapons out, pushing those of my people who moved too slowly for their liking. Between them and us, I saw Jackson, a bundle of blankets in his arms. Over the shouting, I could barely make out her cries.

As we emerged into the rotunda, the small area was already crowded with the rest of our people. This was it, the Grounders had gotten in and were forcing us out.

"Chancellor Kane!" Apollon pushed his way through the crowd to the door of the office, where my father stood watching over the scene. As we reached him, Apollon gently let me down. My legs still felt a bit shaky – could that be from the birth or from the Grounders?

I was barely back on the ground before my father pulled me to him in a tight hug. He was here, my father was here and not out there. But, so were the Grounders. I didn't know if I should be grateful that the door was opened, or terrified about what this meant about our place in the bunker.

"Oh thank g-d you're okay!" He held me close for a moment longer before letting me go and holding me at arm's length. His eyes glanced down at my abdomen. It had shrunken significantly from the birth, but still not yet completely back to as flat as it had been before. I saw the question begin to form on his lips.

As if it was an answer to his unasked question, Jackson touched my shoulder and handed the bundle of blankets to me. I took her and bounced her gently, trying to calm her cries. Just a look at her face was enough to bring a small smile to my own, despite what was going on around us.

"Marcus," I heard Jaha's voice. "We need to talk about this."

The door to the office opened, and I watched as Jaha, Abby, Clarke, and Bellamy made their way inside. My father motioned to Apollon and I to go in before he entered, closing the door behind us all.

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