Chapter 36: Bittersweet Sixteen (IV)

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Claire and Atlas rehearse for the play, later, Atlas drops by a few people's homes, all the while trying to fight off the stalkling.

Who knew lightning could hurt so much?


Disclaimer: Don't own Trollhunters or any of its characters. I also don't own any of the lines quoted from Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet.

Guess who's back? Back again. Yeah, she's back, tell a friend. Hey! Finally a new chapter! Midterms are over so I should more or less be back to my old updating schedule on Fridays. Big thanks to those helping me with this chapter. And thank you for all the bookmarks, kudos, and reviews! Wow, you guys are just fantastic. Seriously.

This was going to be a 5-part story but in order for me to tell everything, it has been changed to a 6 part one, so expect two more chapters in this part before we get to the next episode. Also, if you see any glaring grammar errors or spelling issues, please alert me. I try and catch them but there's always a few that slip through the cracks.

Fallen Too Far will hopefully be updated around Halloween next week.

I hope you enjoy the new chapter!

Claire tapped her foot against the locker.

Her forefinger drummed against the cellphone case she got last Christmas. She checked the screen again. It was a quarter to four. Rehearsal was in five. She bit down a curse.

Normally, she was never this impatient, but today was different. Atlas hadn't been at school at all that day. The same went for Toby. Where on earth were they?

Suspicious. Definitely suspicious.

Despite her anger at him for trashing her house, despite the mysterious circumstances, despite everything he did—he was the only one who could play Romeo now.

Her dream of being an actress was dependent on this. Being the lead actress of a school play could open so many doors for her, and with her high grades and other extracurriculars, she knew she could get into at least one of the top universities for acting, right? It would show her dedication to the art.

Santa Maria, she really needed this to work.

Darci and Mary glanced up at her before returning to their phones. Claire started to pace back and forth. Her fingers nervously combed through her bangs, a habit she had yet to break. She could have texted him, she mused, but she wasn't sure what to say. She didn't want to threaten him, yet she needed him to know how badly she needed this. It was why she wanted to do it in person.

Not to mention she was still pretty pissed about him trashing her house.

A soft bicycle bell dinged. Her eyes flew to the school entrance. Her prayers were answered. Atlas hopped off the back of Toby's bike, giving the boy a quick salute before heading in. Claire immediately jogged (ran, her mind supplied, don't lie) over to him.

"There you are!" She called out. He paused at the doors to the auditorium.

Atlas stood up straighter, a cute little crinkle developing between his brows before smoothing out into a look of surprise. "Claire?"

"You're early. For once," she said, her frustration riding her words. To be fair, he wasn't exactly the easiest guy to find.

"Did you," he began before stopping midsentence, fiddling with the sides of his backpack. Finally, he continued, "Did you get my texts?"

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