Chapter Six

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Billie's POV
Molly took me to her room so she could help me find something suitable for the dinner. She's one of the very few first-class people to be nice to me. Besides Y/N.

"Most of this is for my daughter. I usually have to buy three sizes because I never know how much she's going to eat while I'm gone."

She helps me put on my jacket. I'm not really used to wearing long dresses like this, but I'd wear a Medieval era ball gown for Y/N if I had too.

 I'm not really used to wearing long dresses like this, but I'd wear a Medieval era ball gown for Y/N if I had too

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"My my, you look beautiful dear!"

"Thank you, m'am."

"Oh, honey no need for the formalities. Call me Molly."

"Thank you Molly."

Molly and I walk to the dining room, and as I step in my breath is taken away by the splendor spread out before me. Overhead is the enormous glass dome, with a crystal chandelier at its center. Sweeping down six stories is the First Class Grand Staircase, the epitome of the opulent naval architecture of the time.

And the people: the women in their floor length dresses, elaborate hairstyles and abundant jewelry and the gentlemen in evening dress, standing with one hand behind their back. Talking quietly and nodding.

Cal comes down the stairs, with Y/N's mother on his arm, covered in jewelry. They both walk right past me, neither one recognizing me. Just behind them on the stairs is Y/N, a vision in red and black, her low-cut dress showing off her neck and shoulders, her arms covered in white gloves that come well above the elbow. I'm hypnotized by her beauty.

She extends her gloved hand and I take it and kiss it, making sure nobody else notices. She's practically glowing. I can't seem to take my eyes off of her.

We walk to the dining table, arm in arm.

"Cal, surely you remember Miss O'Connell?"

"O'Connell! I didn't recognize you, you could almost pass for a lady!"

I'm going to let that pass.

Molly walks over to me and whispers -

"Ain't nothing to it is there dear?"

"Yeah, you just dress like a debutante and keep your nose up."

"Remember, the only thing they respect is money. So just act like you've got alot of it and you're in the club!"

"Thanks Molly."

Y/N then whispers to me everyone who's here. There names and such.

"There's the Countess Rothes. And that's John Jacob Astor, the richest man on the ship. His little wifey there, Madeleine, is my age and in a delicate condition. See how she's trying to hide it? Quite the scandal. And over there, that's Sir Cosmo and Lucille, Lady Duff-Gordon. She designs naughty lingerie, among her many talents. Very popular with the royals."

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