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Joey awoke suddenly to the smell of blood and an empty bed. It had been a month since he and Lauren had become official, which meant a month of sneaking around, a month of pure bliss, another month and another step closer to Lauren finding out how to get her potion to work, and a month of being scared out of his mind they would get caught and he'd have to watch Lauren be tortured or burned at the stake.

"Lighten up will you, Dracula." Lauren said, walking out of the bathroom and throwing him a blood bag full of what he knew was her blood. "You worry too much!"

"I worry because I care about you... and I thought we talked about staying out of my head!"

Lauren crawled back in bed and kissed her boyfriend gently, making him momentarily forget about getting caught and that she had been snooping. "I'm sorry, you just think so loud in the mornings." She said, cuddling up next to him.

Joey sighed and placed the blood bag on the end table before rolling to face Lauren. "Happy one month." He said kissing her.

"Happy one month." She laughed, kissing him back. "Thirty One kisses for Thirty One days?" she asked.

"How about a kiss for every day I've liked you?"

"JoJo," Lauren whined, "that would be like nine-hundred kisses!"

"Too chicken to kiss me nine-hundred times?" He asked, kissing her between every word.

Lauren smiled at him, returning his kisses eagerly. "Of course I'm not! But, if we're going to kiss for every day you've liked me then you better wait to do it for when I've got this potion to work. And speaking of the potion, it's time to work on it!"

Lauren tried to get up, but laughed as Joey pulled her back down on the bed.

"I had other ideas for starting our morning." He said with a grin.

"Is that so?"

Joey nodded and leaned to kiss her for what was probably the hundredth time that morning, only eight hundred more to go.

"Hey, Joey, have you seen my lap-" Brian said walking in Joey's room without knocking.

Joey pushed Lauren off of him so hard she fell on the floor, and sat straight up trying to make the situation they were in look normal. You know as normal as it could when his illegal girlfriend was half naked on the floor with only a blanket covering her, and he was just as naked on the bed with definite sex hair.

"Oh..." Brian said stopping in his tracks and looking at them both. "This is... unsurprising."

Lauren looked back towards Joey, and the three shared a long and awkward silence that Joey just wished would end. He wished Lauren knew some spell that could take them back in time even just a little bit so they could be dressed and just make it look like they were studying or something.

"Look," Brian said, "your secret is safe with me but you two need to be more careful. First the potion, then you're hanging out more, and now you actually have something going on. Not everyone supports this and if the wrong person finds out you know what can happen." Brian nodded at them and then turned to walk out.

He shut the door behind him and the pair heard him yell "Lubowich! Have you seen my laptop? I need to research more plant breeds!"

Joey and Lauren sat in silence for a minute, before Joey reached down to help her up off the floor.

"Oh, baby," he said seeing her face, "why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry!" She apologized.

Joey looked at her confused, wondering what exactly she was apologizing for, it wasn't her fault Brian had walked in, and it had been his idea to, well, not work on the potion and do other things instead.

"Honey, this isn't your fault!"

She shook her head and hugged him, crying into his chest.

Seeing her so hurt made Joey think he could cry too, he didn't want her to blame herself for this. He ran his fingers through her hair and let her cry it out.

"I'm sorry that I always doubted you about us getting caught. It's only been a month and now Brian knows, what if It had  been someone else. You were right."

"Oh honey, you don't need to cry over that! It's okay, we're just gonna be more careful!"

Joey pulled her out of his chest, and wiped her tears away. She looked back at him sadly and pulled him down to lay on the bed.

Even though they had just woken up, Joey was sure a nice nap would do them some good.


It had been a week since their incident with Brian, and Lauren was working harder than ever to get this potion figured out. She knew she was so close but something was missing or there was something that there shouldn't be, she just couldn't figure it out.

"JoJo, I want to go back to your house and take a peek in that witches cupboard I have an inkling she may have something I need."

"I don't know, Lo." He said, moving over to sit next to her at the desk in her room. "She just had a bunch of old junk, I don't think you'll find anything of value."

He watched as she rolled her eyes, and grabbed his hand, kissing him on the palm.

"I'm the witch here, I think I would know before you." She said, giving his hand another kiss.

"Okay, I can take you this weekend."

"Sounds perfect."

"I think I'm gonna do some research on Italy, find out why it's legal there. I think it may help you, babe."

Lauren cupped his face with her hand and leaned in to kiss him.

"How did I get so lucky?" She asked.

"I ask myself the same question every day.

Lauren smiled at him and turned back to her work.

"Please let her find something in the witches cabinet!" Joey thought to himself, standing up to move to his own laptop to look up the supernatural laws in Italy. 

A/N: I didn't have a migraine for once in my life so I figured why not love my two best friends who always give me sneak previews and quality content?? This update is specifically for them! I'm not gonna go and be all sappy or anything but uhhh your update is finally here and I love you. Thank you to everyone else who's reading this story! I really appreciate the support!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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