you see yourself inside a mirror, your reflection in a pond and you wander to yourself, did I make the right disition for myself? We all have a time to live and die, a time to be happy and a time to be sad, heres the way i look at it. When fall comes and you see the leaves change the colors of orange, brown, and red, the colors that let you know that winter is on its way. After the snow melts and when it melts it slowly becomes spring. Spring is there for the birds and the bee's and for happy times to start a new begninning for each and everyone of us to come.
The Dragon's Help
PoetryBook 1 This is a book for poetry like of you need a feel good poem or anything else but I do try and I know this sounds like an advertisement but I hope you check it out because you never know what you might find. ( I wrote these all on my own )