Please don't leave, stay with me Jiminie

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Jungkook ended the call and stood next to his car not knowing what to eat. With a plan in mind, Jungkook finally decided to go eat at the coffee shop that Jimin was at. He walked across the street and stared at his phone a bit so that it looked like he still didn't know that Jimin was there. As soon as he walked inside the shop, he started to look at the menu.

"Um, can I get an iced coffee and a sandwich please?" Jungkook asked.

"Course you can, that'll be $5.95 but for you, that'll be $0." The girl at the cashier said.

"Hm, keep the change then," Jungkook paid the girl $6 and walked off towards the pickup zone. He was scrolling through his phone before he got his order. He could feel Jimin staring at him behind his back but he didn't want to turn around. He set off towards the table in that was insight of Jimin's but he had his back toward him. As soon as he finished his sandwich and coffee, he stood up and chucked his coffee cup in the bin before turning around and coming face to face with Jimin. Again, face to chest with Jimin because Jungkook was just so tall.

"Um hi there," Jungkook awkwardly spoke.

"Hey..." Jimin replied.

"Well I'm sorry, I'm going to go now," Jungkook muttered walking away before Jimin gripped onto his hand with both of his.

"Wait, I'm sorry about before, I wasn't thinking straight and I kinda lashed out on you I'm sorry Jungkook..." Jimin let go of Jungkook's hand and looked at his feet.

"It's fine, it doesn't matter anyway, I'll see you later?" Jungkook muttered.

"I'll see you later..." Jimin watched Jungkook as he went out before going back towards his seat.

"Hey Jiminie, were you just talking to Jungkook?" Jaebum asked.

"What? Oh, oh ye I was,"

"That's cool anyway guys so yesterday I was...."

Jaebum was talking but he was too zoned out to be listening to anything that was happening around him. Jungkook had just gone to the gym looking so hot and handsome by doing all the stuff he was doing at the gym with his hair clinging onto his forehead, Jimin could've died from how hot he looked. Then when he walked into the cafe Jimin was so shocked to see how much larger his body looked in just a span of an hour, muscles were huge and Jimin knew he was staring immensely but he didn't care, his mind wasn't thinking right and he knew he had to apologize to Jungkook right now. After Jungkook still hadn't seen him or acknowledged him, Jimin had taken matters into his own hands but Jungkook had brushed his apology away and walked out. Jungkook either must've been really hurt or just didn't care at all. Probably the latter, but hopefully the former. Jimin was so spaced out he didn't hear Taemin call him for the last minute.

"Jimin! JIMIN!" Jimin finally snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at his friends that were all staring at him. Jaebum and Jaebum's boyfriend who Jimin now found out was Jinyoung and Taemin and Minho, and Chanyeol and Baekhyun who he found out had English with the next day and Jennie and Kai, who was also in the basketball team.

"Sorry, I was just spaced out a bit," Jimin apologised before continuing to listen to their conversations. Soon it was an hour before the game and Kai had to leave so everyone followed him. Jimin was rather nervous to be in the same room with Jungkook after this but he knew that Jungkook would be focusing on his game and rather less Jimin. They arrived at the basketball court and Jimin quietly sat down next to his friends who were cheering Kai on. Half the court looked like they were cheering Jungkook on. Jimin snuck a peek at Jungkook's friends and saw them all worriedly looking at each other and at Jimin. Jimin returned his gaze toward the court just as Jungkook stepped out if the changing room. His jersey was loose but it was a singlet and you could clearly see Jungkook's massive biceps. Jimin was totally not turned on and thinking about how those arms would feel wrapped around him at all. Jungkook had turned around and looked at his friends before running over to them. Their conversation lasted for about 5 minutes or so and it was definitely about Jimin because Taehyung had turned and looked in his direction for a bit before turning back. The coach blew the whistle and the team members ran towards the court and stood in a line. The other team had walked in and the guy in front looked at Jungkook and smirked. Jungkook looked furious because he was. Jungkook absolutely hated that guy so much. The guy was named Lee Seokmin. (Sorry DK, I love you so much but I needed a character) He was the worst. The game was about to start and Jungkook was getting antsy. He took a peek at Jimin and saw that Jimin was looking at him. Jimin gave him two thumbs up and a smile before averting his gaze. Jungkook smiled back, briefly before running off as the whistle blew. The game started and Jungkook's team had the ball, they were able to shoot a couple of goals before the other team stole it. Jungkook could not let this happen, he quickly ran up to the guy and was able to steal it back before running towards the three-pointer line and shooting. The first quarter ended, and then halftime ended with Jungkook's team leading. Jungkook ran over to his friends who passed him a towel and water. He gulped down the whole bottle of water and then used the towel to wipe the sweat off of him on his neck. Jungkook's friends were encouraging him to play well on the last half before he felt a small hand rest on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Jimin, who was smiling at him. Jungkook smiled back slightly, before reaching back for his water bottle. He was drinking from it before Jimin pulled the towel out of his other hand and started wiping his back for him, wordlessly. He immediately stopped drinking and stared at Jimin's face but Jimin remained expressionless and continued to wipe his neck than his face before smiling at him again. Whispering a 'Good luck Kookie' Jimin went back to his seat.

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