Hello, do you come here often cutie?

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A week past since the horror movie incident and Jimin had slept in his own room every day. No one had mentioned the sleeping together moment at all so Jimin decided to forget about it. They were currently sitting in the cafeteria. Seokjin was insulting Jungkook and the two of them were just continuously arguing. Jungkook's feet had healed a lot and the doctor said he was able to drive now but he still had to lay off the physical activity so everyday Jungkook would exercise shirtless in front of Jimin, killing him. Everyone had been gossiping and talking about Jimin the whole day as soon as they saw him step out of Jungkook's car. They were whispering to each other as soon as Jungkook and Jimin stepped inside the school and Jimin was so embarrassed he hid behind Jungkook, Jungkook just laughed at him and told him to get use to it. Even though Jungkook had told Jimin, it was completely fine for him to not pay Jungkook back or anything Jimin had felt bad so he went to go look for a job and after 2 days he finally got one at the cafe that was across Jungkook's gym, the one where he had encountered Jungkook upon. Jungkook would drive him and pick him up from there every day so far and after his leg would be completely healed he would be able to go to the gym during Jimin's shift and pick him up after. Jungkook was staring at Jungkook's jawline when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Jimin?" Taemin called. Jimin turned around and stared up at him.\

"Hey Taemin..."

"It's been a week, Jaebummie said you'd sit with us last week and you never did so wanna sit with us now?" Taemin asked.

"Ummm..." Jimin mumbled. His eyes fluttered over towards Jungkook who was staring at him with such intensity. Jimin didn't really want to go with Taemin as he was having a lot of fun with Jungkook and the others but he didn't want to reject Taemin and the others for the second time, so he forced a smile on his face before nodding.

"I'll see ya in class Kookie," Jimin said as he waved at the others.

"Bye Jiminie,"

Jimin walked behind Taemin to join him and the others at the table.

"Oh my god hi, Jiminie!" Jaebum exclaimed when Jimin arrived.

"Hey..." Jimin replied halfheartedly

"I thought you'd never sit with us again, seeing as you're always with Jeon and his friends," Jinyoung stated.

"Ugh Jeon," Kai said in disgust.

"What's wrong with Jungkook?" Jimin snapped.

"He's always thinking he's the best at basketball, I hate it," Kai stated.

"Maybe because he is the best at basketball? Have you ever thought of that?" Jimin was starting to get really defensive of Jungkook.

"Psh, Jungkook? There's no way he's better than Kai," Jennie added.

"Um, I'd like to strongly disagree on that, I've only seen him play once but is it just me or did Jungkook not score more than half the goals in that game?" Jimin asked sarcastically.

"Shut up Jimin," Baekhyun snapped.

"Hey! Guys calm down," Jaebum ordered but Kai ignored him.

"No! Since you're such 'good friends' with Jeon, tell him next time we have a match, I'm going to destroy him." Kai declared.

"You're on the same team," Jimin stated, peering at the guy through his glasses.

"I'm aware."

"Ugh, thanks for the invite Taemin but I'm never gonna sit here again, not with these rude people," Jimin stated before walking back over to Jungkook's table completely ignoring Taemin and Jaebum's calls of his name.

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