Intro - The Key Elements In A Werewolf Book

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I'm normally a hater of all things cliche and paranormal (werewolf/vampires) so, naturally, because of this I though why not write my own piss take book on werewolves?

So this book is going to contain the opposite of every werewolf novel I've ever laid my eyes upon.

When I first started drafting the ideas for this book I came up with a list of the key werewolf elements:

1) A new student at a small town school.

2) The big bad alpha having a human mate.

3) Mr big bad alpha rejects the human mate

4) The human mate has some sort of abuse sob story going on or is magically gifted. Which makes them the reject of the school.

5)Mr big bad alpha is an arrogant player jerk face.

6) Some form of enemy threat (rouges/other packs/crazy man)

7) Someone runs away from abuse

8) A sickly sweet love story.

9) a hot sex scene where the mates are marked and a declaration of love is made

10) A pack slut who wants to get in the alpha's pants

11) A pregnancy of some kind (mate baby/love child/affair made public)

12) A Happy Ending

So there you have it. However in this book I intend to do the complete opposite of everything in the list. Or at least some parts. Others are key essential for a werewolf novel to function (eg: having werewolf's exist).

So anyways on with the book...

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